Has he not told you? ⏯ H.S.

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The chilly evening air wrapped around the five lads as they made their way to Harry's house after a long day of rehearsals for the X Factor. Harry's mind buzzed with anticipation. He couldn't wait to show his mates where he grew up, the place that shaped him into the person he was today.

As they walked, Harry's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he fumbled to take it out, his dyslexia making it a bit of a struggle. He squinted at the screen, trying to decipher the message.

"What's that, Haz?" Louis, always the curious one, leaned in, trying to catch a glimpse.

Harry chuckled nervously, "Oh, just a text from a friend."

Zayn, ever the observant one, raised an eyebrow. "Anything interesting?"

Harry hesitated for a moment before finally deciding to share. "It's just a link to an article about us. Thought you guys might want to see."

Excitement rippled through the group as they crowded around Harry, eager to read the article. But as Harry began to read aloud, his words stumbled over each other, and the sentences came out jumbled.

Liam chuckled lightly, "Slow down there, mate. You sound like you're speaking a different language."

Niall joined in, teasing, "Yeah, Haz, you're butchering the English language!"

Harry's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he tried to laugh it off. "Sorry, guys. Guess I'm just tired."

But the teasing continued, each slip-up earning more laughter from his mates. Harry tried to shrug it off, but inside, he felt a pang of insecurity.

Finally, they reached Harry's house, where his mum greeted them with warmth and a delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen.

As they settled around the table for dinner, conversation flowed easily. Anne, Harry's mum, regaled the group with stories of Harry's childhood antics, and the boys listened intently, hanging onto every word.

"You were always such a good kid at school, weren't you, Haz?" Anne smiled fondly at her son.

Harry nodded sheepishly, memories of struggling in class flashing through his mind. He glanced nervously at his mates, wondering if his mum would reveal his secret.

But Anne seemed oblivious to his discomfort as she continued, "Apart from your English grades, well, I suppose that wasn't your fault."

The boys exchanged puzzled looks, and Liam spoke up, "What do you mean, Anne?"

Anne's smile faltered for a moment before she turned to Harry, her expression gentle. "Because of his dyslexia, has he not told you?"

The room fell silent as the boys processed this new information. Harry felt a knot form in his stomach, wondering how his friends would react.

Louis was the first to speak, his tone softened with understanding. "Mate, why didn't you tell us?"

Harry shrugged, unable to meet their gaze. "I didn't want you guys to treat me differently."

But Niall reached across the table, squeezing Harry's hand reassuringly. "We're mates, Haz. We've got your back, no matter what."

And in that moment, surrounded by his friends who accepted him for who he was, dyslexia and all, Harry felt a wave of gratitude wash over him. He may struggle with words at times, but with his bandmates by his side, he knew he could conquer anything.

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