Chapter 45

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Carlos was perched on the couch, playing Candy Crush on his phone when Estella returned, her brain going haywire.

"He's not here," she felt stupid stating the obvious. "Tell me the other places he could be."

"I wish I could help you," he mumbled, still lost in the game.

"You sure have learned a lot from your boss," anger radiated off her face.

He smiled, his face plastered toward his phone. "Thanks a lot," he said, displaying cockiness. "I'll put your name under references to call in my resume. Spread the word."

Balling her hands tight, it took her might to not explode at him. She reminded herself he was doing his job. Taking a deep breath, she slammed the photograph on the table she found upstairs.

Carlos's eyes went to pictures and his fingers froze. He took a second longer than expected, giving away Estella just enough to guess that he knew who exactly the person was cramped in the picture.

He veered his head to her. "What?"

"You know him," she stated. "And that's where Edward is, right?"

He was now on his both feets. "I have no idea. He does this a lot. My best guess is he is out of the state right now."

"Bullshit," She accused him. "He'd never leave me alone. He never goes far away from where he can't watch me."

"That's my job for now,"

Estella laughed in mockery. "You're sloppy. I slipped right under your nose, didn't I?"

"Yeah, your cute friend caught me off guard," he ran his fingers on the bruise. "Won't happen next time."

Huffing and out of options, she tucked the photograph back into her jacket. The day was over, probably the whole ceremony. She plopped down on the couch, out of energy and words. It hurt. It hurt a lot when it wasn't even her matter to began with. Why it mattered now?

A lot of time must have passed as the house helpers began arriving, getting busy with their chores. A few of them were carrying bouquets of flowers, some mementos, and a huge picture of Edward's mother. It was the first time she saw her, beautiful, wide smile, innocent, just like in Edward's memory.

Carlos shifted somewhere around her and he returned seconds later holding a glass of water.

She looked up, her anger and his attitude already dissolved. At him at least. She took the glass and downed the water, ready to depart, not intending to meet any family members.

Nora. Poor Nora.


The Parking lot was now loaded with cars, even more lining up to be parked. Carlos, as quiet as he could was now standing next to his car, waiting with the door wide open. She was seconds away from leaving the place when another car pulled up and Edward's face was visible through the windshield in the dim light of his car.

Their gaze met.

He was now out of his car, his steps dashing fast to her. "You were supposed to be at Lopez by now."

"I don't have time for this right now," she grabbed him by the arm, dragging him back to his car. The door was already unlocked and she wasted no time jumping in the driver's seat. "Get in," she ordered, shutting the door. She turned the ignition on and reversed the car in one swift motion.

Edward jerked to his side and seeing the passenger seat waiting for him, she rolled the window down. "Come on. Or I'll zoom out for a long drive like the last time. Alone."

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