Chapter 21

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"It's legit fine and perfect, " Estella took hold of the hem of the piece of clothing in her fingers, inspecting the quality and texture attentively and affectionately.

There were several other packets lying on the table and she and Lopez had finally received the first-ever product made in their factory. Shortly after, Edward stepped inside the office as soon as his call ended and joined them.

The sun had set and sparkling stars we're descending while the crescent moon peeked at them through the floor to ceiling window. The night couldn't get better.

"We need to send samples for quality testing, " Edward informed them, taking his seat next to Estella, "and a lot more than these."

Lopez nodded. "Very well. I'll go and get for more samples tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, that marketing guy had some models for the advertisement. Why don't you both handle that?"

"How about after the weekend?" Edward suggested. "I won't be that free."

Estella glanced up. "You going somewhere?"

He seemed hesitant for a fraction of second as he exchanged a knowing look with Lopez. "Yeah just making sure about other things."

"Other things?"

Edward nodded casually. "Yeah, there are a lot of things that we ignore. Small and easily forgettable. I don't want to stress you out more so I keep the pressure and extra work off you."

"That's very sweet of you, " she gave him a small smile, "anyway, I'm taking a few of these samples with me. Mom needs to see this. Might as well cheer her up."

"Sure thing, "

"Then you guys carry on, " Lopez interrupted, "I'm heading home."

Edward shook his hands with him and as soon as Lopez was gone, Estella turned her head at him, a few things running inside her mind. "How long have you known him?"

"Just not very long, "

"And how long 'just not very long' is?"

Edward narrowed his eyes at her. "Years maybe! Why are you asking that? If you suspect we can trust him, then yes we can! I won't allow any bastard near you...and our business."

"That's not what I was implying actually. Lopez is nice a man and he is sometimes really protective of me. And I appreciate that. "

Edward agreed. "Lopez lost his only daughter at a very young age. He must relate his loss with you."

Her face fell. "Oh, I didn't know that."


Estella returned home with a smile on her face. After so long, she had felt the beauty of the sunset, the roof of sparkling stars, the music of waves playing with her hair, and even enjoyed the bustling of traffic.

Her days were blending back with the life she used to have. But she also knew it was never going to be the same as it once was. There was one place in her life and it was never going to be filled back.

No matter how normal life turned, the absence of Jay was gonna stay forever and she wasn't going to mind that. She was going to fill that emptiness with happy memories of her loving father. That was her way of dealing with her pain and grief.

She got her classic plain black coffee from Beck's cafe and returned home after the work for the day was done. She unlocked the door and entered in, her features going surprised the moment she stepped in.

Tonight was the first day in the last three months when her house wasn't cast with darkness. It had actually become a routine where her mom was either at the cemetery or accompanied by one of her friends or asleep in her room; mostly crying.

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