Chapter 26

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Lopez was unpredictably loyal and Estella couldn't help but admire that for a minute. She had spent a good amount of time convincing him to disclose any piece of information related to the dynamic between Edward and his father.

Initially, Estella didn't interfere after his boyfriend requested to let him deal with problems until he finds himself in the position to tell her. He had said it would be soon but the recent situations had made her reconsider her decision.

After seeing her mother internally struggling, and finding ways to cope up with her loss meanwhile putting on a smile, Estella was concerned. Not just about Lilah, but also about Edward's father. A part of her couldn't stop thinking about the relationship between them. She had never heard Edward saying bad words about him. Never.

"I know nothing,” he repeated, flatly. Edward was gone for some paperwork with Maaz and he would be soon and since Estella barely saw Lopez on his own without his presence, she didn't want to waste this opportunity. “I haven’t been with his family for that long. Edward is hardworking when it comes to business. He has the specialty to use the money to its full potential. That's what our little arrangement has been, long before you came in view.”

Estella couldn’t tell where this had gone as puzzlement rocked her senses. Long before her what? What exactly does that mean? She remembered as a clear as day Edward was just as new to investment as she was.

It didn't make complete sense but she brushed it aside for now.

“Please, " she insisted once more.

“Edward wouldn’t like it—”

“Like it what?” His voice boomed behind them, alerting her immediately of his presence.

When she glanced up, the look on his face was overshadowed by faded marks that were barely visible on his skin, but she spotted them.

“Your face—” Before her queries could take place, Edward firmly snatched her arms and pulled her to his sides, away from the older man.

She crossed her arms and widened her stance, letting him know she wasn't going to back down, not now. Edward's behavior was telling her she was something missing that was crucial for her to be aware of.

“Estella, what the hell was that?” he wasn’t shouting but she was aware of how mad he was.

“I'm sorry. I just needed to know more about you and you wouldn't tell,” she explained. 

“Yes, it is my family and you have nothing to do with that.”

That statement alone hurt her. “How could you say that?”

“Just like you refused to go behind my back.”

“I didn't go behind your back. You never said I can't ask anybody else.”

“There is nothing to know about.”

Estella argued. “ And yet you are making such a big deal about it. Why won't you say it? You have scars on your arms for god's sake. I am worried. What could go so wrong that you come down to this?”

He was now exasperated. “So many questions you have! Do you ever take a break?”

She rolled her eyes. “Not recently. So not really. ”

“Whatever!” he sighed. “but you can't know about my family. That topic is out of your reach.”

“You know there is going to be a day when I’ll meet your dad because we are dating.”

“You shouldn’t keep that kind of hopes. I won’t let him around you.”

“What if I happen to run into him? What will you do then?”

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