Chapter twenty two - text messages

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star girl ☆

hey, are you up?

demon lord

you don't usually text me. What the hell happened now.

star girl ☆

It's about y/n, she's going off the chart, cartman brought HER to that show he's doing.

demon lord

oh? And what do you want me to do about it? Slap cartman's hand? I'm kinda busy right now with people in this hell. And you messaging me right is distracting me.

I can't keep messaging you since pip is trying to handle these people here. And he's kinda doing a bad job so hurry with what is happening and what is going on.

star girl ☆

those guys, y/n, hangs out with are turning their back on her. Like they aren't acknowledging her and only facing their attention to Lisa. Lisa is spreading lies and actively spreading threats to y/n. Craig and tweek stopped being her friend over lies. Tolkien I guess stopped being her friend. Cartman obviously went behind her back. I don't know about Jimmy and Stan.

Kyle, Clyde, and Kenny are the only ones with actual common sense and I'm letting you know now just in case Lisa decides to manipulate the rest of the boys who are staying on y/n's side. Even worse, manipulating the girls too. I'm not leaving y/n side and I'm messaging you about this since I KNOW you care about y/n as the rest of us. And I need your powers to help is anything happen.

All I'm asking is that you send someone here to watch over her JUST in case something happens and if Lisa tries to manipulate me and it somehow works and I start acting weird. That's how you'll know about sending someone to watch over her.

Demon lord

you're pretty serious about this huh?

star girl ☆

I am.

demon lord

fine. If anything happens and you message me about it I'll send someone and if your brain washed I'll still send someone.

star girl ☆

Thank fuck, thank you Damien.

demon lord

whatever. I'm only doing this for y/n's safety I never hated her when I went to that school.

star girl ☆

I know. By the way. If it does come to that, who are you going to send?

demon lord

Im Sending pip.

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