Chapter 45

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Emily's POV

After my unsettling encounter with Jason, my thoughts swirled in a fog of confusion and urgency, and the day after only felt like a blur, each moment a struggle against the weight of my predicament: I needed a significant sum of money, and I needed it soon. But the source of such funds remained elusive, a daunting challenge that loomed larger with each passing hour.

Driven by desperation, I reached for my phone, fingers trembling as I dialled Marco's number. Hope flickered faintly as the line rang, but my prayers went unanswered, leaving me adrift in a sea of unanswered questions.

With a heavy heart, I turned to Layla, my last lifeline in this storm of uncertainty. As her voice filled the line, laden with concern, a glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness.

"Ems, what's wrong? You sound different," Layla's words were a lifeline in the darkness of my despair.

"I need your help, Layla," I confessed, my voice betraying the weight of my desperation.

"Tell me what's going on. You're scaring me," Layla's tone softened, filled with empathy.

"I need to borrow some money. I'll pay you back, I promise," I pleaded, the weight of my words hanging heavily between us.

"Of course, Ems. How much do you need? Tell me, and I'll make it happen," Layla's response was immediate, her unwavering support a beacon of hope in my darkest hour.

"Three hundred thousand," I confessed, the admission heavy with the weight of my desperation.

"Three hundred grand?" Layla's sharp intake of breath mirrored the shock in her voice.

"It's urgent, Layla. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't," I confessed, the desperation in my voice palpable.

"Where do you expect me to get that kind of money from?" Her tone bordered on panic, mirroring the turmoil in my mind.

"Please, Layla. I'll explain later. I just need your help now," I pleaded, the urgency in my voice betraying the gravity of my situation.

"I don't have that kind of money, but why do you need such a huge amount, Emily? Are you in trouble?" Her voice crackled with concern, the urgency palpable in every word.

Silence enveloped us like a suffocating blanket, amplifying the weight of Layla's worry.

"Answer me, Emily!" Layla's voice shattered the silence, her desperation echoing in the emptiness of the room.

"There's no need to worry. I'll find a way to get the money," I reassured her, though uncertainty lingered in my heart.

"What is the money for, Ems?" Layla's question pierced through the tension, demanding an explanation that I wasn't sure I could provide.

"Forget I asked you for anything, it's not important," I deflected, my voice wavering with uncertainty.

Before Layla could protest, I ended the call abruptly, unable to bear the weight of her concern any longer. Her attempted calls went unanswered as I struggled to confront the mess I found myself in.

"Damn it!" I cursed aloud, the word exploding from my lips with a force that matched the chaos swirling inside me. "What have I gotten myself into?" I yelled, the sound reverberating through the empty room, echoing the turmoil of my thoughts.

Time slipped away unnoticed, leaving me grappling with my racing thoughts in the darkness of the night, sleep remained a distant dream as my mind spun in endless circles.

Suddenly, my phone pierced the silence with its insistent ring, and I was surprised to see Marco's number flashing on the screen.

I answered hastily, my heart pounding with uncertainty.

"Why haven't you been picking up my calls?" I yelled in frustration, my emotions boiling beneath the surface.

"My love," I heard him say, but this time his words failed to evoke the usual flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your love, not when you're capable of hurting the one you claim to love," I lashed out, bitterness tainting my words.

"What are you saying, my love? I would never hurt you. I love you so much," his words were desperate, but they failed to soothe the turmoil in my heart.

"So are you telling me you didn't drug me and bring me back to this place? Marco, I told you I didn't want to come back here," I accused anger and hurt seeping into my words.

The silence that followed was deafening, a stark reminder of the chasm that had grown between us.

"I did it for us because I want us to have the life we both deserve, a life of love together. And we won't have that if you're not in that house, helping me bring down the Russos. Forgive me, my love. I'm just blinded by the desperation of having a life with you. I love you, Emily. I would never do anything to hurt you," Marco poured out his words, each one laden with emotion that cut through my defences like a knife.

His confession shook me to the core, his sincerity piercing through the anger and resentment I had been harbouring. Despite everything, I couldn't deny the love that still lingered between us.

"You broke my heart. I was terrified, thinking you had abandoned me to face this alone," I confessed, pain evident in every word.

"Never. I could never leave you like that. You are my life, Emily," he replied, his voice trembling with emotion. But then, he revealed that Jason Russo attacked his family, his words carrying the weight of past trauma.

"You see why I'm telling you that I can't continue to be here," I let out, resignation heavy in my voice.

"Jason Russo will never hurt you. I know that for a fact," Marco insisted, his voice unwavering despite the uneasiness swirling around us.

"How can you be so sure? You've just told me he attacked your family," I challenged, doubt and fear seeping into my voice.

"My love, just trust me. That's all I ask," Marco pleaded, desperation lacing his words. "I love you, but you have to understand this is the only way for us to have the life we dream of."

"Marco, I understand, but I refuse to be another name on Jason Russo's kill list. So I'm going to leave this place, whether you want me to or not. But I need three hundred thousand to do that. Just give me the money, and we can find another way to bring them down," I declared, resolve quivering in my voice.

"How selfish can you be?" Marco's sudden yell cut through the air like a thunderclap, his anger palpable through the phone, a stark contrast to the tenderness I once knew.

"I can see you don't value our love enough to make this sacrifice for us. Just know that if you leave that house, we are done, and you will definitely pay the consequences," he declared, his words leaving me speechless. He cut off the call before I could even respond, leaving me in a storm of emotions, shattered and heartbroken.

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