Careless Whisper

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Chapter 25

Careless Whisper

Author's Point of View

"How is my wife?" his voice held anguish as he stood on his feet before the doctor who had come out from her room on the second floor of Angels Hospital. He encountered the doctor when he came to the reception area to clear his head while the doctor was taking care of her.

"She is fine and will get better if she stops her diet that was extremely hard. Also, Mr. Crawford, I have a suspicion that she has provoked her vomiting because I saw damage to her throat that is usually caused by reflux. Based on what her family said, she has been a patient with bulimia, and I fear that she might have fallen back into that pit. If you don't have a family psychologist, I can suggest one."

The doctor did not attempt to keep the patient's information confidential, as Sarahi requested, because in all his experience he believes that family can help overcome everything.

"Thank you, doctor, for your honesty and for taking care of her secretly." Amor closed his eyes, took a deep breath to swallow what he just heard from the doctor. After expressing his regards, he gently smiled at the reception nurse and made his way upstairs. He was seeing red now. 

He stormed inside her room, startling her and her parents. "Amor," she whispered as he stared at her angrily. His beautiful aquamarine eyes were lost in the dark, and a shiver crossed her heart, fearing him for the first time. 

"Where did I fail, Maya? What have I done that is so unforgivable for you to go into this suicide plan, to hurt yourself?" He yelled at her, not caring for her parents and closing the distance between them, causing her to fear not physical harm from him, but from the painful words he could speak. Understanding that the doctor must have spilled the truth. 

"Amor," her voice trembled as she tried to communicate with her eyes, but the man was like stone and he wasn't backing down from his stance.

"Agustin, step back! You are frightening her. She isn't well after the food poisoning she had." Her father stepped in between, trying to stop him, but a glimpse of a tear on her eyelashes hurt and infuriated him. "Don't you dare, Sarahi! Don't you dare cry!" He pushed past her father and grabbed her arms, not realizing that her left arm was already hurt from the fall. "How could you do this to me, to us, huh?" He questioned, heartbroken, staring at her as she cried and tried to touch his face, but he pushed her hands away and forced her to sit on the bed. Her parents immediately came to her, but she didn't want them, she wanted him. They looked at each other, both hurt, he was beyond broken. Shaking his head in disappointment at her, he left her alone. Alone because she wanted his arms and words, not her family.

“Amor,” she whispered painfully, sobbing at her father's arm as her mom gently petted her head.

Her parents understood what she had done, but were shocked at Amor's attitude. He didn't come to pet her and try to be nice, but on the contrary came furious. They feared what would have happened if they were not there. Was he capable of hurting her?

Night came and he wasn't anywhere; she had called him several times but he didn't pick up once.

 The moon was hiding behind the clouds that threatened a chaotic thunder.She was settled in her spot next to the window, making spiral patterns on the glass following the cloud's movement. Her right hand was under the bandage that provided safety after her falling and his hard grabbing. Sarahi had never seen him like that, not him, but no one else had tried to yell at her, fearing Robert who was just a breath away. The last one who tried something against her is still recovering from the unknown assault he had after playing smart with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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