chapter 103 who you used to be

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Blue lay down in her recently created bed and watched her room be reconstructed, her clothes where still being repaired by pearl, right now she didn't have her shirt and only wore her dark blue pants and dress shoes, this wasn't a problem for her right now as the form she was currently taking was closer to most gems than human woman, with a flat chest but a very muscular body, Steven had never seen her like this before, she was usually slightly chubby but during her fight with yellow she had made her body become extremely buff.

Pink diamond also lay on a bed, not far from blue. She was still very hurt from yellow's attack and awkwardly looking around. Barely anyone had cared to check up on her, not even garnet. "Ugh, what are we going to do now? Yellow will probably not speak to us after this!", Steven huffed, laying down on the ground, at the foot of his mother's bed, feeling awful. Blue laughed at him, "Oh this is nothing! Me and her fight like this all the time! Just wait a bit, and it will all go back to normal!", she told Steven, trying to calm him down, as she said this, pearl came in with her new shirt, she quickly put it on and returned her body to its normal form, losing all her big muscles.

"You and Aunt Yellow used to fight all the time!?", Steven exclaimed, getting up from the ground and turning to his mother, who was getting off the bed and going towards greg to check on him. His clothes where also badly damaged so pearl gave him a common uniform wore by the amethysts and most military members of blue's court, blue didnt really like the look but it fit perfectly and greg liked it so she didnt try and change it. "Yeah, they're probably why Homeworld has those giant cracks in it!", pink said, finally speaking up after being silent for so long.

Blue laughed some more, "probably! I did once make her abandon a whole colony once, I broke a whole quarter of it off!", Steven's eyes widened, everyone turned to blue, "WHAT!?", he yelled, blue was so casual about it, the other gems around her looked so disturbed by it all, lapis was in the corner watching, her eyes wide like stevens, her mouth slightly open and sweat running down her face as she kept looking to pearl then back to blue, pearl wasnt phased, her mouth was completely straight, while garnet looked terrfied by it. Blue turned to pink, her voice still happy and casual, " It was that one colony with the jungle moon you used to visit her on remember, pink?", Steven turned to pink, she was now just as shocked as the others, mostly because blue was talking to her again. "YOU DID WHAT TO THAT COLONY!?", pink yelled, leaning too far back and falling off the bed, making a giant bang sound as her head hid the ground.

"My diamond, if you'd like, I can tell steven the story of how you and yellow did that", pearl said, walking up to steven, "you do have an appointment soon so it would be better if I tell it for you", Steven looked to pearl, "PLEASE DO TELL ME! I DIDN'T KNOW MUM WAS THAT STRONG!", he looked back to his mother who was now leaving to work again, this time taking lapis with her for some reason, she waved to them then the doors closed after. Pink got up from the floor, holding her head, "ouch that hurt...can I hear the story too?", she asked, Steven nodded back to her, "I will make the screen big enough for two to see", pearl said, her voice very robotic as a light came from her gem and projected onto a wall, showing yellow diamond thousands of years ago.

Yellow looked at her new colony from above her moon base then back to her screen, her pearl standing next to her, trying to act casual and as loyal as ever, a couple minutes ago, yellow left to have a talk with pink about finding her a colony via the diamond line, during this yellow's pearl used the screen to take some more selfies, and yellow was very close to the file where she kept all her photos,trying to act natural was nearly impossible as she knew yellow would definitely punish her if those photos where discovered.

Blue hands suddenly covered yellow's eyes "Guess who?", a familar voice jokingly said, standing behind yellow, "not funny, blue", yellow responded, pulling blue diamond's hands away from her face and going back to work, checking the newest updates on her colonies. blue grumbled, "hmph! Yellow diamond is so serious, so uncaring to a fellow diamond!", blue complained, yellow tried to ignore her but blue could be very annoying when she got like this, even more than pink. "No wonder earlier today pink came to me crying saying you were being mean to her again!", Finally yellow snapped. She got out her chair and stood up next to blue, face to face, nearly touching her, fighting the urge to shock her with a full power blast of lightning.

"FINE! I'll give you the attention you want!", yellow wanted to shout at her but calmed down, some small sparks shooting off her, nearly hitting her pearl who had to gracefully jump away. "I just wanted to see how you are yellow", blue said, walking around her and sitting in her chair, "You've been so obsessed with this colony stuff lately, are you trying to impress white?", yellow crossed her arms and looked away from her, "why aren't you so bothered about colonies blue? You don't care about expanding our empire?", blue spun around the chair, if it was pink yellow would stop her but to blue it was, kinda cute.

"I've been helping pink trying to find a colony actually, White and her have been talking about it a lot, you said you found a lot of new planets, maybe you can give her one?", blue stopped the chair with her leg and got off, going back to yellow. "Fine", yellow sighed, pink had been demanding a colony for so long now, shecouldn'tt handle it anymore. "there is enough planets to go around in my recent discovery, one does seem easy enough, it already has water so you and the lapis lazulis don't need to do much and there is organics you and pink can wipe them out together, she can learn a lot from that", yellow moved closer to the windows of the moon base, looking up at her colony, "there's and awful lot of them on this current colony right now, would you do the honours?", she pointed to the colony, blue smirked and summoned her scythe and wings, "GLADLY!", she said, flying through the ceiling and to the planet, going to slay all the bizzare jungle creatures that lived there.

Ever since yellow first began her colonisation of this jungle planet, the many huge and strange creatures who lived there had been attacking and even eating the gems trying to land their ships, seriously halting and development to the colony, only a gem with power like blue could destroy them all in such an instant. As blue flew across the jungles, easily slicing the dinosaur looking creatures that now had a taste for gem chasing her, she bumped into the biggest species that lived on this planet, they where giant, bright green snakes, about 10 times blue's size, and extremely fast, soon hundreds of them chased after her, knocking down entire forests with the strength of their tails, blue didn't feal any fear instead she loved every second of it.

Blue made her wings dissappear and stopped near the edge of a mountain, as the snakes dashed towards her, she flew up and they fell down the mountain, being stabbed by the sharp hills below, blue looked down and smirked, "I am Saint padraig!", she joked to herself, making a green hat with some nearby leaves. Eventhough barely anything could be built on this planet because of the organics yellow was able to have small cameras added across the planet she could access via the moon base, there she watched blue closely, yellow took a speaker and spoke with blue through one of the cameras.

"You're playing around too much! Get this over with they want to eat us gems! Do not play with these brainless creatures!", yellow demanded from the camera, blue looked around, "yellow? Has your ugly face been secretly watching me?", she looked in the bushes for any sign yellow, not knowing about the cameras, now that she was distracted a giant snake was able to creep up behind her and eat her in a single bite, yellow nearly screamed when she saw this, she immediately got in her ship and rushed to the planet.

Blue was unhurt and able to crawl through the stomach of the snake, she could see gem shards and remains of gem ships inside of it, it smelt horrible, and was so wet. "the animals here are so dumb", she thought to herself, trying to climb up back to the snakes mouth, it was dark and slippery, as blue made it closer to the mouth she could hear a familar voice outside.

"GIVE ME BACK MY BLUE YOU MONSTER!", the unmistakable voice of yellow diamond yelled at the uncaring snake, she had summoned her sword and was pointing it to the snake, doing quite a dramatic pose and seeming to not care about the nearly as giant hawks circling above her, ready to eat her. "Oh damn, yellows here!", blue thought, then creating a giant ball of energy around herself, causing the snake to explode and free her, also destroying most of the near by jungle, making more creatures surround them. "There you are! You had me worried!", yellow complained, as blue flew down to her, "that's now the main issue", blue replied, summoning her scythe, "THESE ARE!", she and yellow looked up and they where surrounded by giant animals at all corners, snakes, crocodiles and t-rex like creatures on the floor and sea, and birds above them, just like on sankatoka they had to wipe them out together.

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