Chapter 4- Please.

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Mia, Merle Daryl and I approach the group.

A man with a shot gun and brown hair approached us.

"Can we help you?" he spat.

"Y-yes you can, y'see we need a camp. A safe secure camp." I explain.

He nods his head. "well that's what we've got." he says as he puts his shot gun down.

"Mind if we stay with ye?" Daryl asked.

"What're your skills?" He asks.

"Well Jesse and Mia are great with cooking and cleaning. Im a hunter. Merle is a um- a he's just here." I chuckle and Merle gives him a glare.

"Well we could use a few extra hands." He smiles "welcome to the group" he adds.

"Mia and Jesse follow me to your tents." The man said.

"What's your name?" Mia asked him as we were walking.

"Shane. Shane Walsh" He says as he stops infront of a tent.

Mia and I enter and see two kids around my age.

"Oh my! hello! I'm Sophia!" she smiles hugging me and Mia.

"I'm Jesse and this is Mia." I introduce us.

"I'm Carl" the boys says.

"Your beds are over there, beside Sophia's" Carl's points to two empty cots.

Mia throws her stuff on the one closest to Sophia's.

This is what life is gonna be like?

"So where you from?" Carl asks Mia and I.

"Well I'm from outside of Atlanta" Mia says.

"Me too" I add.

"How about you Carl and Sophia?" Mia asks.

"Well I'm from a town in Atlanta" Carl states.

"I'm from Georgia" Sophia smiles.

Sophia is so sweet, she'll need to change FAST if she wants to survive.

Then someone entered the tent. it was Daryl.

"How's is going darlin'?" he asks.

"Great." I reply.

"Well I'm going hunting. be back within the hour" He comes over and kisses my forehead.

"Is he your dad?" Carl asks.

"He's my brother. My dads dead" I state.

I don't know for sure if he's dead but c'mon we left him and mom in a boarded up cabin with someone that's bit. I doubt they're alive.

"So is mine" Carl nods.

"How'd yours pass?" Sophia asks curiously.

"Umm well he got stuck in a cabin with my mom, and a walker. no ammo, weapons. nothing. So Merle and Daryl took me and left." I state.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" Sophia apologizes.

"Sophia in this world now, you can't ever be sorry." I tell her.

She nods and grabs her teddy and leaves the tent.

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