Chapter 30- Forgiveness?!

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My dad spotted me and started walking towards us.

"Jesse? Baby? Is that you?!" He questions smiling. I quickly run behind Daryl.

"Daryl my boy! How are you?" He asks.

Rick pulled a gun on him. "Look you have my son a blonde teenage girl and an elderly man, you have our family. Now unless you want to die today your going to go and bring me to them and let us go." She says cocking the gun.

"I can't believe my own kids are against me." He whispers tearing up.

"You did this to yourself Bennett" I say.

"Fine you want your family? Follow me." He guides us to a brick apartment building.

As we enter the building my dad guides us down a long hallways with many doors, windows on every wall so you can look into the rooms.

One of the rooms had a pregnant woman in it with three walkers, I looked away knowing the outcome.

Another had a man tied up to a chair with a axe tied to the chair so if he moved he would die instantly.

And thEn Finally I find Carl. He was sitting in the corner of the room, crying.

"Daddy what did you do to him?! What did you do!!" I shout, making Carl look up.

"Nothing compared to what I did to your other friends" he smirks.

"You bastard! What did you do!" I yell.

"Take a look" he says motioning me to the next room. I look in the window to see Beth with her throat slit and Hershel with his other leg removed.

Maggie saw and she collapsed to the ground.

I looked at my dad, he had this look in his eye that made me want to kill him.

I pulled my gun out.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I shout.

"Then how is Carl gonna get out? I have the key; hidden" he smirks.

"Where. Are. They." I say angrily.

I lower my gun and slide down the wall and cry. Beth is gone... Hershel he's gone too. Because of my dad.

I looked up at my dad who was talking to Rick and I looked at my knife in my ankle holster and grabbed it out and stabbed it into my dads ankle.

He collapsed to the ground and looked at me.

"Now it's your turn to feel pain." I whispered.

7 years he beat me and my mom and there was nothing I could do. Now I'm in charge. The things I could do.

Rick and Daryl threw him in a chair in one of the empty rooms.

"Please forgive me baby." He whispers looking at me.

"Your begging for my forgiveness?! The only reason your not dead yet is because you have the key. Now where is it?" I ask.

"Jessica please don't do this." He begs.

"Do what daddy?! Become you? What your doing here is sick, you killed a mother and her unborn child! Who does that?! You beat me until I could barely breathe, then you'd look at me and smile, as if your proud of what you've done to your 6 year old daughter! You stole my childhood daddy! I can't ever for give you for that. Now tell me where the damn key is! So I can kill you already!!" I holler.

"You've become such a beautiful young women. You look like your mother when we first met." He smiles.

I punched him across the face.

"Where. Is. The. Key?" I ask angrily

"The first door when you enter, in the desk" he looked down to the ground.

"Oh Jesse I really am sorr-" I shot him in the head before he had the chance to apologize.

"Apology not accepted" I say exiting the room to where my dad directed me to go.

I open the drawer and grab the key.

Daryl looked at me in horror when he realized I killed dad. As does Glenn and Rick. Maggie and Kaydee were to caught up when Hershel and Beth to even care I killed him.

I open the door and I run into Carl's arms.

"What did he do to you?" I ask crying in his arms.

"He- he told me Hershel and Beth were gone. Is- is that true?" He asks.

I nod sadly and he cries.

"Hershel. He saved me, Bennett he was gonna slit my throat Infrint of them. But Hershel insisted he left me and Beth alone." He cries.

"Carl I am so sorry. I'm so glad your okay." I wipe away his tears and smiled at him.

He pulled me into a long meaningful kiss.

"We gotta go. Like now." Rick says, and with that We left "SafePoint" and we were NEVER looking back, they'll find Bennett eventually and when they do, they will come looking for us. But don't worry, I think we can handle them.

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