Chapter 25- Wicked Pain.

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I try and open my eyes but they feel like concrete slates on my eye lids.

But after alot of concentrating they fly open.

"Jess?" Someone grabs my hand, Carl.

"Ow! my stomach kills." I whine as I sit up.

"Well Scarlett kinda just stabbed you." he states. I lift my shirt to see the disgusting hole.

"Hershel says a few more inches over she would've severed an important artery." He says.

"Where, where is she?" I ask looking around the infirmary.

"Daryl and my dad took her, Dan and her brother far, far away from here." I sigh with relief.

"C'mere" Carl pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." I whisper softly in his ear.

He just squeezes me tighter. Finally everything was going back to the way it was, our normal.

"How long was I out?" I ask curiously as we pull away.

"6 hours. long enough for Hershel to fix your wound." He responds.

"What if they come back? what if she comes back to finish me off?" I worry.

"Then she'll have to get through me." I smile

"I love you Carl Grimes." I lean in to kiss him and he also leans to meet my lips, when Glenn walks in.

"Oh sorry guys." he quickly excuses himself from the room and Carl pulls me closer, and he plants a light kiss on my lips.

"I missed you Jess." he says helping me stand up.

"I've missed you too." I smile.

Then there was this wicked pain in my stomach, I clench over in pain and begin to cry out in complete pain.

"Jesse what's wrong?!" Carl panicks.

"I, I don't know." I cry.

"Hershel?! Maggie?!" Carl cries out for help, soon enough Maggie runs in.

"What's wrong?" she asked kneeling down beside me.

"My stomach, there's these intense cramps." I murmur.

"Let me see your wound." she asks lifting my shirt up.

Then I felt this hot liquid in my underwear.

"Maggie I'm bleeding!" I panick,

"Carl can you give us a minute?" Carl nods and leaves the room.

"Hun nothing is wrong. Have you ever gotten your period before?" she asks.

"No!" I scared let answer.

"One second." she stands up and walks out of the cell and when she re-enters she held a box of Always Infinity Pads.

"Here you are. instructions are inside. Have any questions talk to me or Beth." I take the box and nod.

Ahhhh! Jesse got her period! I bet you thought something was really wrong. Sorry if I scared you. Now as for the story I want to add a new character, that will be Jesse's bestfriend.

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How they enter the group(how the group found them)



All in the comments! thanks bye bye Darlings.

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