Chapter 14- Bruises

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It's been an hour since Lori left to look for Rick. and Carl is freaking out.

"What's his deal?" Kaiser asks exiting the tent, pointing to Carl who's sitting on the porch.

"Umm nothing. why do you ask?" I get nervous when I lie..

"What's really going on?" he asks.

"Lori went looking for Rick." I say

Kaisers mouth drops and he runs to the house. oh no. he's gonna tell Shane.

"Kaiser stop!" I holler after him.

He runs past Carl and he looks at me as I run past him also.

"Stop!" I shout. but it was to late Kai told Shane.

Then that was it Shane grabbed his truck keys and ran out the door.

I approached Kai and punches him in the shoulder. "you idiot!" I shout.

"Ouch" he says rubbing where I punched.

"Why is Shane so angry?" Carl asks pretty much already knowing why.

"Kaiser told him about your mom." I look to the ground.

Kai leaves the room before Carl got a chance to hit him.

"Carl Im sorry but your mom could be hurt." He nods in agreeing with me.

"I'm gonna go check on Beth." I say walking upstairs.

As I enter the room Maggie turns.

"Hey there sweetie." Maggie says smiling.

"Is- is Beth alright?" I ask standing next to Maggie.

"Well my daddy should be back soon to answer that." she says rubbing Beth's hand.

"It's been four hours..." I state the obvious.

"Yeah but they'll be back. I know they will" She looks to me.

Fair enough.

Then a car for slammed, and I heard loris voice.

I ran downstairs to see her and sShane.

Lori was pretty bruised up. "Lori oh my god what happened?" Carol asked running to her.

"Car accident. wheres Rick?" She asks.

"Rick is still out." Daryl said. Then Lori turned and approached Shane.

"Y- you lied to me!" she said clearly upset.

"I had to get you back somehow! for you and the baby!" Shane yells, I totally forgot she was pregnant.

"Mom your having a baby!?" Carl asks as he runs off.

Lori looks angrily at Shane then chases after Carl.

Daryl comes over to me.

"I know I haven't been the greatest big brother lately. So how about me and you go huntin tomorrow morning?" he asks.

I nod with a smile and give him a hug.

Then What seemed like forever Rick and Glenn return with Hershel. And a man that I haven't seen before.

The man had a hole in his leg though.

Glenn and Rick lift him into the barn. Hershel goes inside to probably check on Beth.

"Daryl what's going on?" I ask Daryl as they close the barn door.

"I don't know darlin'." he says running towards the barn.

Shane makes his way over to the barn also.

I go and find Carl to let him know his dad is back. I run to the field where him and Lori ran to and saw then chatting on a fallen tree.

"Ricks back!" I announce both if em jump up and run to the driveway.

"Where is he?" Carl asks.

"Follow me!" I say as I run towards the barn.

We enter the barn to see the man with the hole in his leg, no one else.

"Please let me go! please, ill leave your camp and never look back" he does know he's talking to kids, right?

"What do we do?" I whisper to Carl.

"We let him go." He says.

I go up to him with my pocket knife and cut him free, bad idea.

As soon as I cut him free he grabs the pocket knife and holds it to my neck.

"Dad! Daryl!Shane!Someone!" Carl shouts.

"Shut up or she gets it" the man snarls shaking me, making me cry.

Daryl, Shane, Rick and Lori run in.

"Daryl help me" I mouth to him still crying.

"Hey, hey, hey you don't want to do this." Rick says aiming his gun at us.

"She's just a little girl." Lori says starting to tear up.

"You- you took me from my group! pretty sure you murdered a few, now it's only fair I take a few from you" Ge smirks pressing the knife harder onto my skin.

"Randall you won't leave this barn alive if you hurt that little girl." Shane says walking closer to us.

He slowly removes the knife from my neck, releasing me a bit. I had my chance.

I grab his hand and guide it to his stomach. he falls over in pain and I run to Daryl's arms.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have untied him" I cry into his shoulder.

"You did what you thought was right." Daryl says.

Daryl sets me down and sends me to bed.

I enter the tent only to be bombarded with questions by kaiser.

"Kai I'm really tired ill tell you sometime, alright?" he smiles and nods.

I get into my bed and quietly cry myself to sleep. Realizing I almost died today.

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