Chapter 20- Its over.

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In the morning, when I woke up I saw Carl sitting next to me.

"You feeling okay?" he asks as he puts his sheriffs hat on.

"My back kills, ill be okay." I reassure.

"My dad and Glenn moved Kai and Celina to the grave site." He asks looking over to the two blood puddles.

I nod and slowly look to the ground remembering what happened the night before.

"Kai was a great guy, Jess I'm sorry about what happened." He grabs my hand.

I quickly pull it away.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this! I love you and I loved Kai, everyone that I love will die! ill end up getting you killed, I can't live with that burden Carl. I Can't. I love you so much and that's why I have to end this Before you end up like Kai. I love you, but it's over." I manage to spit out in the middle of tears.

Carl was now heartbroken.

"Jesse you don't mean that! I-I need you! your my everything! We can make this work! you know we could! Dont give up on us like this! We've been through so much, I almost lost you back at the barn, I'm not losing you now! Jessica Dixon please I'm begging you please, please!" he begs as he places both his hands on my cheeks and cries, so do i.

"I'm so sorry." I kiss his cheek and I stand up and walk back to the prison.

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