Chapter 12- Walkers in the barn?

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**2 days after Kaiser comes**

Kaiser is up and walking now.
Carl and him have been getting really close, which is a good thing.

Rick is still trying to persuade Hershel into letting us stay on his farm.

"Go in yer tent it's almost 10 O clock"
Daryl says in a fatherly tone.

I enter my tent (yes I sleep In a tent now that I'm better) and change into my pjs.

Then Kaiser and Carl come in.

"Where were you two all day?" I asked.

"We were just playing in the field." Kaiser says, I know that's not what they we up to.

"Carl what'd you two actually do?" I ask him looking into his eyes.

''We definitely werent spying on Beth" he turns red.

"You two are sick" I throw my pillow at kaiser.

He catches it and throws it at me and then tackles me onto the bed.

"Kaiser get off" I laugh as he continues to tickle.

Then we heard a scream. Dales scream.

Kaiser immediately gets off and all three of us run outside to see dale being eaten by an all to familiar walker.

Andrea stabs the walker in the head, and shoves it off dale.

"Carl.." I whisper.

"Yeah, I know" he says back already knowing what I was gonna say.

The walker that attacked dale, was the same walker that Carl and I found on the forest on our walk...

Everybody was just looking at dale in disbelief until Daryl stepped up to the plate.

"Sorry brother'' and with that Daryl pulled the trigger and Dale was no longer with us.

I run into Carl's arms and we share tears.

Kaiser just looked at the walker.

"Kai? you alright?" I ask approaching him.

"This- this was the walker that bit my arm." He says looking down on what's left of his right arm.

"Well it's gone now." I say rubbing his back.

He nods and with that Carl, Kaiser and I walk back to our tent.

"Tomorrow is June 15" I say looking at Carl.

"What's June 15?" he asks.

I look at him in disbelief.

"Your Birthday" I say in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh right." he says taking off his shirt Nd hopping into bed.

"Goodnight Jesse and Kaiser." Carl's mumbles into his pillow.

Kaiser does the same. Removing his shirt and hopping into bed.

I exited the tent and walked to Lori and Shane who were talking behind the RV.

I wait behind it so I didn't interrupt anything important.

"Shane I'm not even sure who's baby this is!" I hear Lori say.

"It's mine and you know it!" Shane retorts

"You ain't listening!" Lori says storming off my way.

I quickly run into the RV where Andrea was taking apart then rebuilding weapons.

"Jess what're you still doing up?" Andrea asks.

"I- I um just looking for Daryl" I stutter.

"Well he's made a camp down in the field." She points in the direction where I see a fire going.

I smile to thank her and was off to see Daryl.

I walk slowly making my way to Daryl's mini camp.

Then I hear an all to familiar groan. A walkers moan.

I turn around to see a really big walker.

"Daryl!" I shouts as I begin to run but the walker grabs my foot.

"Daryl!" I begin to tear up. I pray that Daryl heard my call.

The walker was inches from taking a bite outta my foot when someone stabbed it in the head. Carl.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" he asks.

I just hug him and cry.

"Thank you" I whisper in his ear.

"Lets go back to the tent." Carl says as he grabs ahold of my hand.

We enter the tent and he was about to crawl into bed .

"Carl? can I sleep with you?" I whisper.

He nods as he lifts the blankets allowing me in.

Then we fell asleep.

**the next day**

When I wake up Carl was already gone.

Kaiser was snoring away and I smirk.

I grab one of his stinky socks and put it by his face. He scrunches his nose and he wakes up.

"Jess!" he yelled grabbing me and pinning me to the bed.

"Sorry golden opportunity" I smirk.

"Ha ha" he laughs getting off and putting his shirt on.

"I remember when Celina and I did that to you all the time.'' I smile at the memory.

"Yeah," his smiles fades.

"Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought her up.'' I say.

Kaiser gets dressed and leaves the tent.

I look through my suitcase until I fine a pair of maroon shorts from American Eagle and a white loose tank top from Blue notes.

I walk to the house for breakfast.

We sit down as Maggie, Beth and Patricia serve the breakfast.

As we begin to eat Glenn says.

"There's walker in the barn!" he splurts and he looks down.

Maggie scowls at him.

"What'd you just say?" Shane asks.

"Walkers are in the barn..." he says again.

Shane stands up and walks outside.

This can't be good..

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