Chapter 9- Uh oh.

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It's been an hour since Rick went looking for Sophia. I haven't left my spot. Carl comes by every so often to see if she's back but he never stays.

People are still rummaging through cars for supplies. Hoping to did anything actually useful.

Then Rick comes out of the forest...
Without Sophia.

"W-where's Sophia?" he asks.

"You don't have my baby?!" carol cries.

"I told her how to get back..." He trails off.

I begin to cry. Carl comes to my side and begins to cry also pulling me into a hug.

"We're going to look for her. no questions" I say.

"Yeah" Carl adds.

"Fine. Jess, Carl, Shane and I will go search only until it gets dark." Rick announces.

"What're we waiting for?!" I say as I hop over the fence. only to be stopped by dDaryl

"You ain't goin" he says.

"Just let me go Daryl. Ain't nothing gonna happen to me." I say.

He sighs and gives me a hug.

"Be safe alright?" he says.

I nod and kiss his cheek.

"We'll be back soon." Shane says.

Carl, Rick, Shane and I walk into the beautiful forest.

Rick and Shane walk a little bit behind Carl and I as we search for Sophia.

"I haven't gotten a chance to ask if you're alright." Carl says.

"So are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah. I mean I need to be strong for Mia it's what she would want from us." I say.

Then there was a snap if a tree branch. We all raise our weapons to see a deer.

I smile at the sight. So does Carl.

I slowly approach the deer holding out my hand. Carl and the guys stay back and watch.

The deer was so close from my touch when a gunshot went off.

The deer fell and I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach. I then fall back, out cold.

Carl's P.O.V

Jesse slowly walks up to the deer and reaches out for him. But then a gunshot rang. The deer fell dead, and Jess fell down too. I run I her side and cry.

"NO, no, no Jesse c'mon wake up!" I holler. Shane and dad run to my side.

Dad picks Jesse up slowly.

Then a heavy, white man came out from the brush.

"Oh my! I hit her?! Go straight ahead about a quarter mile! ask for Hershel. Say Otis sent you, he'll help your girl." The man I presume is Otis says.

Then we run. As fast as we could.

Then we emerge from the forest to see a farm.

When we get close enough for people to hear us dad shouts

"Help! please! Otis sent us! told us to ask for Hershel!" Dad hollers.

"That's me." a man with white hair says approaching us.

"Come with me. inside." Hershel says as we follow him inside.

A blonde woman helps Hershel to set up a bed for Jesse to lay on.

Then a brunette escorts me to the next room.

"Jesses brother! he'll want to know what happened." I remember Daryl.

"Ill go looking, where are they?" she asks.

"Route 14 I think, by a bunch of abandoned cars." I say.

"Alright. who do I ask for?" she asks.

"Daryl." I reply.

Daryl ain't gonna be to happy when he finds out Jess has been shot.

The brunette leaves the house and heads out looking for Daryl.

Then dad comes out if the room.

"Carl, Hershel has to do an operation to remove the bullet fragments, maybe it's best you wait outside." Dad says.

"Are you serious?" I asks him.

"Carl do as I say! wait for mom outside!" Dad raises his voice.

I stand up and walk outside. And take a seat on the stair.

Then a blonde around 15 sits next to me.

"I'm sure she'll be alright. My daddy has a lot if experience." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"What your name?" she asks.

"Carl. how about you?" I asks

"Bethany Brooklyn Greene, but people just call me Beth." she says with a little laugh at the end.

"Beth!" Hershel calls from inside.

"I best be going" Beth says as she stands.

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