Chapter 17- The Basketball Court.

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Daryl and I approach the familiar highway, the highway from over 8 months ago. The day we lost Sophia.

Daryl stops the motorcycle and gets off.

"We wait for them, we've planned this out." He tells me reassuring me.

"Not again." I say referring to loosing something so great.

"I know Jess, I'm sorry." He says.

"Daryl?" I ask.

"Yeah darlin?" He responds.

"I don't feel to well." I say as I collapse off the motorcycle and onto the road.


"I thought she was immune?" Carl asks.

"She is. Just her body couldn't handle the heat as its fighting off the virus." I hear Hershel say.

I slowly open my eyes, the sun beaming down on my face.

"Jesse oh thank god!" Kai and Carl say in unison which was really weird.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Just over 12 hours." Daryl says.

I look around and there was a mini fire pit that had ashes and smoke flying around.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"7 am." Hershel says looking at his watch.

"We gotta get a move on. Rick and I found something 2 miles ahead, that could really help us." Daryl says.

I stand up and I surprisingly have balance.

Carl and Kai are on each side of me arms around me, helping me for support. just incase.

"You guys I think I'm good." I giggle, they both let go and walk beside me.

"How's your arm?" Kaiser asks.

"It's good..?" I question because as I look down there is no mark visible.

"Whoa! your magic!" Kai says astounded.

I was pretty shocked too.

2 Hours Later.

We all stop on the Forest Pathway and we look to see a Prison. Fences and all.

I widen my eyes and smile.


Carl and I just turned 14 last week and Kai is 16.

Kaiser has been trying to get with Beth ever since the first night of the farm, but now in the prison it looks like he might actually have a chance.

Some idiot who calls himself the 'Governor' tried to take the prison, he's dead now.

No problems have come about since.

"Carl your dad wants you in the garden." I say as I enter our cell.

"Alright thanks Jess, umm after I work on the farm meet me at the basketball court?" he asks, I nod gladly.

He probably wants a rematch since me and Beth completely crushed Kaiser and him last week.

Beth walks past my cell holding Judy(Lori had her baby and named her Judith), I stop her.

"Kaiser still clinging?" I giggle.

"Yeah, yeah he is. But it's alright kinda fun having a worshiper." She laughs.

"Are you and Carl together yet?" she asks.

"What'd you mean yet?" I ask confused.

"Oh nothing, everyone thinks the two of you would be a great pair. Especially Lori and Rick." She winks.

"Get outta here." I say playfully hitting her shoulder.

"Just you wait." she says as she walks off.

Does Carl like me?!

I mean we've been BESTIES for 4 years, but maybe it could be more.?

I wait around talking to kaiser and stuff waiting for Carl to come, then he finally does.

"Lets go" I say thankfully, all Kai wanted to talk about was Beth!

As we walk to the court I notice Carl looks really nervous.

"Carl is something bothering you?" I ask stopping him just as we get to the court.

"N-no I'm fine lets play." he says grabbing a basketball.

He runs to take a shot on net but I stop him just as he tosses it, then I take it and race down the court, Carl comes from behind me and grabs my waist and spins me around. (we always good off like that).

He sets me down, basketball between us He looks in my brown eyes and I look in his blue, then I get this urge I've never felt before to kiss him. So I act in my feelings and I kiss him, he kisses me back.

It was short and sweet, but when it stopped I dropped the basketball in complete and utter shock. I just kissed my bestfriend.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry." I apologize.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since I gave you that necklace on your 11th birthday." he smiles cheekily.

I look down at the gold necklace around my neck. and I smile.

"Me too." I whisper.

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