Chapter 42- keep on moving.

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"We need to keep moving" I say to Daryl, he looks at me and nods.

"But you two just got here" Shayla says setting down her plate.

"We have a group, a family we need to find. My boyfriend, he has an RV we just need to find him." I say.

"Can we come with you?" Duncan asks.

"I promise we won't be a bother, we just need to move on from this place" Duncan adds,

"Of course" Daryl says. I nod in agreement.

And just like that we were off to find Carl and the rest
Of the group.

Which by the way is not going to be easy.


"Was there ever a time in your life when you felt like you should just give up?" Duncan asked me as Daryl walked ahead and Shayla trailing behind.

"Yeah actually there was, when my bestfriends Mia and Sophia passed away... I isolated myself for a few days. The only reason I didn't end it all was because of Carl." I explain.

"Carl your boyfriend?" She asks.

I nod and smile at the same time.

"My boyfriend, Dylan, he passed away a couple weeks ago. Walker got him," she says looking to the ground continuing to walk.

"How do you overcome the pain?" I ask her.

"You don't, you just sorta make room for it, Yknow?" She said sniffling a little bit.

"Girls done chick chatting? We gotta find a place before night fall." Daryl states ahead of us.

"Yeah yeah we're comin!" I say as all three of us run and catch up to him.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated... My mom took my phone😂 so I'm gonna be updating a lot more often. And I'm also gonna be starting to do "question of the chapter" kinda thing just to see what your opinions are.

Question of the chapter:
Who is your least favourite character in this book?

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