Chapter 34- Hoping.

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As we pull into the prison Rick and Daryl run down to the gates to welcome us back. Daryl pulled me into a hug and Rick did the same with Carl.

"Jess? Where's Kay?" Daryl asked as Glenn drove the suv up to the prison.

"You should go help Glenn un pack." Is all I said and I started walking back to the prison, before I started crying.

I wiped the single tear running down my face and sighed. I knew something bad was gonna happen. I was just hoping nothing would.

I entered my cell and memories of Kaydee and I flooded my mind. When she told me her father abused her, me consoling her. I smiled at the bitter sweet memory. That was the day we became inseparable. 

I sat on my bed and started crying, breaking down you could say. Surviving now just seems pointless, I'm done. It's over; if I didn't have Carl it would be over.

I sigh once again and sit up. I grab my knife, the 4 inch blade. I place it on my wrist and slide, I felt nothing yet I could see the blood running down my arm. Then j got light headed then I blacked out. What have I done?!


I run to the prison following Jess I lost her at the Rec room. "Carol have you seen Jess?" I ask.

She nods "uh yea she went to her cell" I turn to go but carol added "when you see her could you tell Kaydee I need help with dinner"  I stop in my tracks and look to the ground. Then I just kept walking.

When I got to our cell I see Jess lying unconscious with a bleeding wrist with a bloody knife lying on the floor. I run to her side.

"Jess!?" I scream. I feel for a pulse, it was there but it was faint.

"DARYL! DAD! GLENN!" I shout they knew what to do. Until they came I removed my shirt and placed it around the wound. And applied pressure.

"Carl?! What's wrong?" Daryl shouted running upstairs. "Look I'm sorry what happened to Kaydee Rick and I just sa-" he was saying as he was walking to the cell then he stopped talking all together and ran over to Jess. And began to cry.

I've never seen him cry before.

"Jessica! Wake up!" He hollered. Then my dad ran in. "Oh my lord! Carl go get the first aid kit now" He instructed me and without hesitation I was out of that cell in a matter of seconds.

I ran into the "bathroom" and grabbed the kit and brought it back to them.

"Please save her" I say handing him the kit.

Then Glenn and Maggie came in, it was getting very crowded.

I left the room as he began to stitch the wound. Then Glenn came to join me. I slid down the wall and put my hands over my face. Glenn slid down next to me.

"You shouldn't have to deal with stuff like this. I mean for god sake your 16" he said sympathetically.

"Jess is gonna pull through, I know she is" I say to him. "Just prepare for the worst Carl. The wound is pretty deep" he says sadly. I nod at the realization that Jess might not wake up alive. I begin to cry. I can't loose Jess.

I'm hoping she'll be alright. But hoping something will go your way nowadays is like trying to find a four leaf clover, rare.

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