Chapter 28- awkward.

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Kaydee and I enter the room and everyone stares.

Then Carl approaches us. "Hey Jess." He smiles I smile back.

"You must be starving. C'mon I'll grab you something to eat" Carl says grabbing Kaydees hand walking to the kitchen.

I approach Rick and Daryl who were talking about something in the corner of the room.

"What're you talking about?" I ask curiously

"Umm nothing!" Daryl quickly answers wiping away tears that fell down his face.

"Daryl don't be lying to me now. Tell me" I insist.

Daryl sighs and pats the seat next to him. Rick leaves us by ourselves

"When I went on a run with Maggie we found.... We found Merle. He, he was a walker. That's why you haven't been seeing him around lately." Daryl became teary eyed.

"Merle... Merle's dead?!" I say jumping up.

"Jess calm down." Daryl says standing also.

He pulls me into a hug. And I break down and loose myself. I cried into my brothers chest and honestly did not care who was watching.

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