Chapter 6- The Three Muskateers.

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"Daryl We're gonna head back for Merle tomorrow morning." Glenn said as he entered my tent.

"Alright, y'hear that? we're gonna find him." He kissed my head and left.

Then Mia came in.

"It's okay to be scared Jess" She says sitting down on her cot.

I roll my eyes. "I am not scared." I retort.

She giggles. "Stop putting on this tough girl act. You ain't Daryl, your Jesse. It ain't gonna change." WOW I'm getting advice from an eight year old.

"I am a Dixon though." I respond.

She rolls her eyes. "Night Jesse." she says as she rolls under her blanket.

I exit the tent and see everyone around a camp fire, then Ed, Carol and Sophia at a separate one.

I went to the fire where Carl and Daryl were at.

And plopped myself beside Daryl.

"So Rick, how'd you manage out there?" I ask, What? I'm a curios ten year old.

"I woke up in a hospital, alone. Wondered around for a bit, then I entered Atlanta... Didn't know it went to crap so fast. There was about 200 of em' dropped my bag of guns. They got my horse and I was stuck in a tank. then I was saved by your men, Glenn. Now I'm here, with my wife, son and bestfriend." he smiled.

"Guns?!" Daryl said.

"When we go into Atlanta for Merle tomorrow, we could grab em'." Rick said.

"Agreed" Glenn said.

"Jess, why don't you join Mia in the tent?" Daryl said "its getting late" he adds.

I nod and get up. "Carl you go too." Lori said.

So Carl and I made out way to the tent, then Sophia made her way to us.

"Night guys." I say.

"Night Jess" they say in unison.


I woke up to be the only one in the tent. I look at my watch. 9:56 am.

I quickly jumped out of bed, hopefully I didn't miss Daryl.

I exit the tent and Daryl is gone, as well as; Glenn, Rick, T-Dog, and Morales.

I look over to see Sophia talking to Sarah (Morales' daughter) at the picnic table, and Carl getting a hair cut by Lori.

"Jess wanna trim?" Lori offered.

"No-no thanks. Lori when did Daryl leave?" I ask.

"Her and the rest of em' left a little under am hour ago." Lori says.

I approach the picnic table and grab a few crackers out of the box. "hey Jess, have you met Sarah?" Sophia asks,

"Yeah, we've met." I gave her a small wave.

"Jess wanna go catch frogs with me and Shane?!" Carl asks excitedly.

"Of course!" I smile as we run to the quarry meeting Shane.


Carl, Shane and I caught 10 frogs for dinner, I was a bit skeptical about eating frog, but it was surprisingly good.

"So Jess how's being a Dixon?" Amy asks with a smirk.

"Tough. You'd understand if you knew my parents" I say. She nods and eats her frog.

Amy set her plate down and got up.

"Where you going?!" Andrea asked concerned.

"To the bathroom... god can't I bit discrete?" she says as she turns around making her way to the RV.

Everyone chuckles. Except Ed, since he's to 'beat up' to eat, so he's in his tent.

I see Amy exiting the RV then I look down at my frog and then back up and I see a walker coming up beside her.

"Amy!" I shout as she basically handed her arm to the walker.

The walker quickly sunk it's teeth into her arm, as she crawls away, it sinks it's teeth into her neck.

I stood there in shock, until Lori grabs my arm and yanks me towards the Forrest.

She stops us infront of the van and we watch the horror. Then I saw an arrow go in between a walkers eyes, Daryl's back.

He appeared from the dust and I ran out of loris grip.

"Daryl!" I shouts as I jump into his arms. "Im alright darlin'." he says. I cry, because, They Found Us.

The walkers found us.

"I love you" Daryl says as he sets me down.

"Go back to Lori, ill see you soon." he tells me.

I run back into Lori's arms and wait.
Then it was over, walkers were dead, people were dead. Then I remembered Mia, Where's Mia?!

"Carl?" I ask.

"Yeah" he responds.

"Mia?" I ask hoping he knows where she is.

He looks at me with a blank expression on his face.

I run from Carl and Lori and search the corpse that lay before me, walkers, people that I knew; people I loved.

Then I saw all to familiar red curly hair. I ran over to the body and knelt down.

"Mia?" I roll her over and she was still alive, she had a gash in her neck though.

She was crying, she was suffering.

"I-I'm scared" She whispered.

"It's okay to be scared" I whisper back, repeating what she said from the night before.

She smiles at the sentence.

"Th-thank you, Jesse" she coughs up, then I see her eyes roll to the back if her head.

"Mia?!Mia?!" I shake her limp body.

"Jesse!" Daryl runs over.

He pulls me away from Mia and holds me in his arms.

Carl, lori, carol and Sophia stand there watching me, as they cry also.

Lori pulls Carl into her embrace.

"Mia!" I cry into Daryl's chest.

"I know Darlin' I know" Daryl says rocking me.

Maybe it's because I am ten or maybe it's because I was horrified but I felt safe in my big brothers arms.

"I'm never gonna let anything happen to you" Daryl whispers.

I look up from his chest and see Carl.

I get and and run into his arms and cry. Mia was our best friend and now she's gone, Sophia joined in our hug.

We lost one of the Muskateers today.

We're left with the Three Muskateers.

And alot if broken hearts.

We can't stay here, we can't.

Then in all this mayhem I remembered Merle, did they not find him? is he dead too? where is Merle?!

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