Chapter 1

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Arizona pov
This move kills me. I was happy with my wonderful friends. Everything was good. There was no need to fake a smile. It was the longest time that i ever had stayed. Four years in one area. For most people that's nothing. But its everything to me.

But I think the hardest thing for me was letting go. For a military brat I never gave in. I was never really open to anyone because I knew I would end up moving. But for some reason when I walked into Northwest middle school i had a feeling like this was going to be it. That the moving was all over because that's how it felt like.
**** Flashback ****
'Arizona get it together. You ate really slowly and now your late on the first day of 6th grade. What a wonderful way to make a good impression. Its okay to be scared because now you are lost and don't know where to go. Wonderful just wonderful.' She tells herself after being one of the last leaving the cafeteria.
" Hey sweetie you look like you need some help. Where are you going?" A tall blonde lady asked me and I just handed her my schedule. She looked at me and smiled.
" You have Ms. Millers she's a really good math teacher." Her walkie talkie went off and she spoke into it. "I'm have to go, but your gonna go up this ramp" she pointed "And up the upstairs stairs, and once you get up there your going to turn left and the 3rd door down is hers." She said with a smile and then left. So I once I got into the classroom I can feel my face heat up really fast.
"Are you in my class?"
"Um.. Yes ma'am. I hope I am." I flash her my smile and give her my schedule
"Well miss. Arizona Robbins it look like you are. So why don't you take a set right next to Jessica." I look at her confused so she pointed to a girl with glasses and curly curly hair.
"Hi! I'm Jessica! What's your name?" She says with a smile
**End of flashback**
And that's how it all started. The friendship.
"Arizona! Did you hear me?!" He asks from the drivers sit.
"What. No. What. I'm sorry I was lost in my own little world. Sorry."
You could hear him laugh a little. I look into the rear view mirror and I she him smile.
"I asked if you needed to use the bathroom or want something to eat?"
"Ya sure I just need to use the bathroom. No food I'm not hungry."
Tim locked at me and whispered "Maybe if you won't on a hunger strike you would poop."
I slapped him. "Who said such thing?"
He looked at me. "Zona I know you. You do this after every time we move. But you usually stop after a day. Its been a week. Im just really worried that's all." I look at him trying not to be sad. "Tim drop it. They think I'm okay. Let's just make sure they still think that. Okay? I don't want to cry in this car."
We stopped and he mouthed 'okay' and with that I ran into the restroom and I was thankful that it was only one.
I turned on the water and just let everything go and started crying. It was about five minutes and I came out with tim standing there with his arms crossed. "So it seems like someone did poop." He laughed. I nonned my head and punched him.
"YOU KIDS STOP PLAYING AND LETS GET GOING.!" Dad yells from the door.
"Coming coronal!" We both yell at the same time.

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