Chapter 25

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Callie pov
It's been 2 hours since she's been in there.
It scares me if she doesn't come out of this. All these bad things are just taking over me and I'm not sure what to do. But I know I'll be with her through anything and everything. Only if she lets me be there.

I look around and see Mrs. Robbins here, and Tim is sitting next to me.
They love her for who she is, not for what she does, or how she looks. That's how I love her.

A few minutes later and a doctor came, the same one that tried to take me out of her room earlier.

"We did everything we could to try to save her leg, due to the damage she lost it. " she started, "but she made it out, she's in her room. She needs to rest so it's better if y'all don't see her right now. She doesn't know that only has one leg." She ended

"How does she not know she only has one leg?" Mrs. Robbins asked, "can't she not feel it in her sleep or something?"

Without realizing it, "Her body isn't used to one leg, so her brain tells her she has both of them. It takes a while for it to realize it's gone." I answered.

The doctor looked at me and so did everyone else. Mrs. Robbins looks at the doctor just to make sure. "She's right." That's all she said until she left.

"How did you know?" Mrs. Robbins asked.

"I want to be a doctor or a medical examiner, iv studied for years on the human body." I tell her and she still looks at me.
"She's going to be okay, you and I both know she's a fighter." I tell mrs. Robbins. She hugs me and walks away.

  25 mins later.
The doctor comes into the waiting room.
"She wants to see y'all." She says looking at Arizona's family

"Oh thank the god my baby is okay." Mrs. Robbins said while getting up.
"Let's go see out daughter." Mr. R follows her.

Me and Tim gets up to follow them. But we get stopped by the doctor lady.
"Your Callie right?" She looks at me

"Yes Ma'am I am.. Why?" Tm looks at me and then back at her

"She doesn't want to see you." She said.
My heart broke into so many pieces, I wanted to cry, but I hold it back.

"What do you mean? Arizona doesn't want to see her?" Tim asks looking at the lady.

I can tell he is getting mad, but who could blame him? He knows how I feel about her and this happens.
"Hey, it's okay. It's probably for the best anyways until she gets better. You go ahead and see your baby sister. I'm gonna just stay here. I have no where else to go anyways." I say and when I finished the last part he gives me the eye.

"What about Alexis? Aren't you with them?" He asks.

"No, my father has his ways, and I told them it would be better if they just stayed with him and got paid."

"Why can't you just lie to him and tell him your straight?" Tim asks by now he lady left, so it's only us two.

"She made me want to tell him, she's important to me, Arizona is. It's different. But who knows maybe I will, maybe not." I say looking off into space.

"Okay, I'll be here okay cal? I'm gonna go see her. I'll tell you everything after okay?" He says
And I nod.

I sit back down and wait.
Did I do this to her? Does she hate me for this happening to her? I couldn't control the situation. No one would ever have an idea that this would happen. Does the me we are over? What if she thinks it was all a mistake. Like me?
My thoughts are controlling my mind and my body. Before I knew it I wrote down a note for Tim saying:
'Hey, your right. I'm just going to tell my dad it was all one big mistake. I don't even think she loves me, so it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm going to tell him I'm straight, I'll go to confession and everything. He'll take me back. She didn't want to see me anyways. But I do love her Tim. A lot, maybe it's better this is happening. Please tell her I care for her and I always will. No matter what happens she needs you. She's amazing and one day she'll find someone better then me. She'll be happy, and that's all I can ask for. Love is doing everything and anything to make that one person be happy, and by me doing this. In or out of her life she need to be happy. I just love her so much this hurts me. But I can't stay, it will make her feel bad anyways. Love always Callie xoxo.'
I gave it to a nurse and left.

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