Chapter 4

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I went down stairs and got some toast.
"Good morning baby, how'd you sleep?"
"Good mom thank you for asking. How did you sleep?"
"That's good, it was good. Are you ready to leave?"
"Yes, I'm just nervous, you know?"
She looked at me, and I can tell she was worried.. You can see it in her eyes.
"I know how hard it is sweetie, but you have this, you always do." I hug her and give her a soft smile.
After that we got in the car and headed to the school.
"You know your brother wants to join the marines.. Just like your Father."
Why now... I turned my head to look out the window
"Honey, he wanted me to tell you. I know you are very close to him, he doesn't want you to be mad at him."
"I know mom, I just wish you told me sooner." I see the school up ahead and can't wait to get out of this car.
"Good bye Arizona. Love you "
"Bye mom."

I walked into the school, and I'm glad its not on base. I was looking down at my schedule and walking at the same time.. Which didn't really help, because I bumped into this person.
"Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I look up and I just stare at how beautiful she is. "Um- ya.. I'm um o-okay." Crap Arizona what was that?
"Okay, good" she smiles which makes me want to melt.. Iv never seen a beautiful smile like that ever. "I'm calliope- Callie Torres, nice to meet you..?"
"Um Arizona, its Arizona Robbins."
"Okay, Arizona.. Are you new here? Iv never seen you around."
I laugh," Ha, your one of the popular people I'm guessing? Knowing everyone and such as."
She gives me a smile, and looks me in the eyes.
"Me? Popular? Your funny. I would have known if I seen you somewhere."
I feel myself smiling like an idiot. "Oh, you would? Really? How so?"
She smiles at me "I would remember your beautiful smile, and your deep ocean blue eyes."
I blush. Real bad. You know when someone says something like that and you don't know what to do? That's how I was. I had butterflies in my tummy. "Well, that's nice to know, why thank you. " We just stand there, staring at each other, for what seems like forever, that I didn't even hear people getting up.
" CALLIE! Hurry up!" Some olderish guy yelled out, "Hold you damn horses mark!" We just looked at each other, then he came. Maybe he is her boyfriend or something.
"What's taking you so long Torres?" He puts his arm around her, "O, I see your talking to the Blondie" I looked at him. Blondie? Really? I have a name. "Its Arizona mark, her name is Arizona." She said with smile looking at me, I didn't even notice her come close to me. Inches always. "We should talk more, you seem very different I like it." She puts some hair behind my ears. She's beautiful. "Um.. Ya, we should, I would very much love y- that." I said with a smile. And then the bell rung. "Shit I'm late, see you later Arizona." And she was gone.

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