Chaper 7

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Callie pov
It's Monday, and there's a new girl. Her name is Arizona Robbins, also known has Zona by Teddy. Anyways I bumped her this morning and I didn't realize how beautiful she was. It's sounds bad to have a crush on her already because I barely know her. Oops. She just has this super magic smile that melts my heart. And her deep light blue eyes that I can star into and not get bored.
I look at the clock in 8th period only 5 more mins until I have to go to Baileys for detention.

"Hey callie what do you think about blondie?"mark questions me.

"Um, she seems better cool I guess." I just say without hinting I like her

"Do you think she's pretty? Is she the one you've dreamed about? Blondie with the blue eyes, and a really nice ass."

I slap his arm "MARK SLOAN! Arizona could be better then Erica, but I don't know because it's only been a day Mark. One day can't decide if she's the one. Time. Mark. It's called time!" He just looks at and the bell rung. Once it did I was just out of the class going to her room, just leaving him there.

I walk in and Arizona is already there, which is weird because she's sitting on a desk, talking to Bailey. I was smile at her.

"Hey Bailey. What do you want me to do?" I ask has I drop my things on the floor and walk towards her desk.

"Sit there and be quite for a while." She pointed to the desk where Arizona was sitting on top of.

"Perfectly fine with me, hey Arizona." I smile at her and sit down

"Hey Calliope."
Her smile is just perfect .

A few minutes past and Bailey was done talking to Arizona and left for something

"So how are you liking this?" I ask looking up to the girl sitting on my desk

"It's not that bad honestly, it's better then being at home. What about you calliope?"

"Oh, problems? It's none of my Bussiness, but I like being at school more then home so it's okay." I chuckle

"Well, um, I learned something this morning about Timmy enlisting and I don't want to see him, or talk to him about it because im mad. Like I feel like he is doing all of this so he can feel accepted by my father, it's just drama that I'm not into. You know? Wait.. Why would you be here instead of home?"
Interesting, I'm guessing it's her brother I think about what she said

"I don't really have a easy family, if you know what I mean. Like my mom is always busy and not in my life has much has I want her to, and my dad.. He's very religious and I can't talk to any of them about my um. Problems." I said looking into her eyes about to let it go, but I just kept it in, she was still just staring at me.

"Problems? You don't seem like you do.. I know we just meet Calliope, but I'm here for you when ever you need it, I'm very understanding." She said looking down
Without realizing it I put my hand on her thigh, and she blushed, it was the cutest thing ever and I just smiled.

"Thank you Arizona, and by problems I mean, they don't know I'm bi and I can't tell them because my dad will disown me if I do. I even asked him if i were to be that he would kick me out regardless of my age and I didn't tell him anything." I just look at her. We had a moment until Bailey came back in.

"Okay girls yall can go home now, and next time don't talk while I'm teaching."
Me and Arizona left her room just talking, and the whole time I just looked at her

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