Chapter 14

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Arizona pov
I walk into the restroom, shower which didn't take long since I want to get to know her. So I come out and I realized I don't have any clothes with me to change in here.
'Just lovely arizona, nice move leaving your clothes in your room with callie in it.' I told myself. It's not weird I mean we are both girls, we know what the female human body looks like. Right? Oh well. It's not like I'll be completely naked.
I peek my head out, no sing of callie.. So I just walk to one of the boxes.
Underwear, bra, tank top, and shorts. I turned around and start walking back into the bathroom when callie comes in

"Arizona? Hey, I went to the restroom dow-" she looks up at me. All she does is look at me. My heart pounds, I feel like she can hear it.
"Your um-um very wet zona." She says and my mind goes the other way. I turn red.
"Hehe Ya, I guess I am. I'm gonna go change now." I rush into the bathroom and shut the door.
For some reason when she looked at me I just wanted to kiss her. To hug her.
'Arizona stop!'
I get changed and walk out the door.
"Hey Arizona." Callie says sitting on my bed.
"Hey u-um callie."
"You know you shouldn't be shy I don't bite... Iv notice you get nervous when your around your parents, or when your unsure about things, but you don't have to act different around me." She says and I just smile a little.
"I know, thank you Calliope. " I sit down next to her.
Our hands are so close from each touching.
"Okay, good we should get in bed now. What side do you sleep on?" She looks at me with a smile. Her teeth are just so white.
"The left side."
"Okay that's perfect. Opposite attract" with that she rolls to the right side of the bed and I laugh.
"We do attract." I say..
I'm laying down with her. Ma girl I didn't know. But it feels right.

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