Chapter 32

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Arizona pov.

I woke up this morning with the amazing calliope on my mind. Looking at my clock, and it's only 8:00 a.m, and I don't work today, which is a shocker but they have enough peds people there.
I get off my bed to take a shower, which didn't take long. I put on a nice pair of pants and my favorite red and white striped t-shirt with black eyeliner for my eyes.
I sat on my bed waiting for my hair to dry. Still with you on my mind. Callie Torres, who has a really cute son, who iv wanted for the longest time. I'm sure to make her mine once again... But soon.
I lay down on my back just looking up at the celling and I didn't realized I feel asleep.

"I hate this leg Tim! It's horrible why can't I just die?!" I yell at him.
"Arizona listen to me, your strong enough to do this, you don't want to be like me." He tells me and I just look at him.

"Why did you leave me?" I ask.

"I had to go and fight. Even if that meant knowing I might not come back." He looks at me.

"Your dead. You died ten years ago." I start to cry.

"Arizona I know, my baby sister grew up. She became a very strong human being helping people even with her leg." I smile at him.

"But I miss you."

"I know you do. But now you have Callie." He says and I smile.

"I know, how you feel about her, and now you have her." I nod at what he says, and it's true.

"I do you know.. Love her." I tell him.

"I know, and that's why you have to stay. And get married, and be happy." I look at him.
"I know you haven't been happy in while, iv been watching you from up above." I points to the sky.
All I can do his hug him.
*end of dream*
I woke up. Now it's 10:50 a.m

I get Callie's number from Mark, who right now is a blessing.

*Hello? Who's this?* the sweet voice of Callie on the other line.

*Hey, it's Arizona. Was wondering if you'll still take me on that lunch we planned?*

*Oh hey! Yea, about that I didn't get a lunch break, it's dying day for a lot of people apparently* she chuckled.

*Oh, Okay. I'll get you get going then.* I said

*Wait. Why don't we have dinner? Tonight? Are you free at 8:00? That's when I get off, and by the time I do the baby sitter will still be there with Austin.*

*Yea, I'm free. By the way he really is cute.*

*Ha yea, it's hard to say no to the little man.*

We both laughed.

*Hey I really hate to cut this short Arizona, but I really need to start some of my autopsies so I'll have time for our date. I mean our dinner.*

She said our date. A date. With Callie.

*Yea I understand, no worries I'll let you go. Bye calliope.*

*Bye Arizona*

And with that I ended the call, secretly freaking out about 'our date'.

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