Chaper 18

553 28 6

Arizona pov
I can't get my mind off of it. 'Mark she's mine'
I want to be hers. I don't know why though.

Today is going really fast and I'm happy. Hopefully me and Callie will hang, I just want to be next to her.
"Hey can I have your number?" Teddy asks, handing my her phone
"Oh ya sure, just text me who you are and I'll save it." I put my number in.
I hope she hangs out with Callie after school, since it's already over.
"How do you like it here?" She asks

"It's better fun really. If only been here for two days and so far I feel so welcomed that I don't even know what to do. You know? Like so much moving, but honestly I think I'll stay here for a while, hopefully until senior year."

"That's good Zona, ya I know it's hard. Moving does suck but I'm glad your here, you can come to me with anything really. But I hope you do too. Many people like you." She winks at me

"Your horrible you know that right?" I laugh "But ya I know thanks teds"

We walk to the back of the school were it seems to be like the group.
Once we walk up the only person I see is callie. She's laughing for some reason and it makes me smile. Her laugh. Her smile. It's everything for anyone. It's just so perfect. How is she not taken.
"So guys what are y'all doing after school?" Lexie asks
"Me and mer are going to do things we aren't allowed to do." Christina says
"That's like 99% true." Mer says and we all laugh
"I'm gonna hook up with some girl." Alex says leaving

Everybody starts leaving slowly. The only people who are still here is me,Callie and mark.

"Okay guys, I need help. I like someone and I'm not sure on what to do. " mark says
"Who? Spell the beans." Callie questions

"Little grey"

"You look into her eyes, and you tell her straight out and no matter what you do don't back down. And once you do hug her really tight until she feels the love, you buy her flowers and don't look at other girls asses or boobs because she'll get jealous and will start to question things. You make her feel like she's our whole world and show her off. But make sure you love her first." Callie says and I slowly bring my eyes to her and she's already looking at me with a smile.

"Okay thanks cal. But you should use that for you." He says something to Callie. "Bye blondie"
"See ya mark."

"That was really good you know." I say moving closer to her

"You think? I've been preparing myself for this
thing, do you think you can help me?" She asks facing me.

"Ya sure anything."

"Okay here to goes: there's this girl. She's beautiful, she's amazing, and has this super magic smile. The one that makes your heart melt. She's been hurt in a way, and I'm not sure what it is but I need her to know I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. She's the different kind of person who tries to make everyone around her happy. She is so perfect in ways I can't even describe. And when I'm with her it's like all my worries go away. I'm happy even when I don't want to be. I smile even when I don't want to. She makes me so happy and I just don't ever want to lose her has a friend or anything. I need her. She's like this drug that I can't escape from, but not the ones that kill. She's the kind of drug that helps you heal. Because when I'm around her I never want to leave. I want her. My body aches for her presence. Her voice is like a song that I'm in love with and no one else can sing. Because she's the only one I look for in a crowded room, the only one who can make me feel this way." I look into her eyes and she grabs my hands holding them.
I'm confused. Her? Who is this her? Why would she tell me this?
"What I'm trying to say is that YOU are her. Arizona this is crazy and I don't just jump into this, but something in me tells me that I HAVE to be with YOU. So will you be MINE?" She asks and my heart flutters with happiness

"I'll be glad to be yours calliope. I feel the same way." I say and she hugs me.

"You make me happy." And with that she kisses me.

I love it. I think she's the one.

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