Chapter 26

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Tim pov
I left Callie in the waiting room. It's horrible. Why wouldn't Arizona want to see her?

I walk up into the her room, I see mom sitting down next to her, and dad staring at the edge of the bed.
She's awake.

"Her Zona. How's my favorite sister." I ask her walking over to the other side of her bed.
She didn't say anything. Didn't even look up at me. Nothing. She was just staring at her leg.. The one that wasn't there.

"Arizona baby." My mom reaches for her hand but Arizona pulls away. "What's wrong?" She finishes it. Arizona says nothing.

Mom gets up and walks over to my dad "I'm gonna get something to eat. Come with me." He nods and they both leave.

"Hey. Callie is waiting outside in the waiting room."
Arizona looks at me, I can't read her this time.

"Is.. Is she okay? Callie I mean?" She lets out. I nod.

"I don't want to see her Tim. Not when I'm like this. She will freak and leave me. Or think I'm ugly. Look at this!! It's ugly. No one would want me!" She yells uncovering her amputated leg. "It's ugly! I'm a fucking freak!" She starts to cry.

"Arizona, your not a freak, and your not ugly." I get into her bed. "Your my baby sister, someone's beautiful daughter, someone's amazing girlfriend." I say "the point is your important to many people. Your not a freak, if anything your a little inhuman. But so am I, so is Callie."
I look at her.

"No Tim!" She cries "I don't want Callie. I am weak. I can't do this." She says.
Why doesn't she get it. She's loved.

I get up "I'll be back."

I go into the waiting room and no Callie. Some lady came up to me and handed me a note.

Arizona pov
I don't know who to blame. I mean it's not Callie's fault. Or mine. Maybe it is mine. I decided to stay out and not call tim, to go into the dark alley.

The more I think about it the more I hate myself. I have these ugly soon to be scars all over me, not to mention one leg. No one is going to date a girl with one leg. And Callie. She can't. She's important to me. But she can't be here, I mean I want her to but she might just think I'm a freak. Wouldn't everyone?

Tim comes back with a note in his hands. I made myself stop crying because I hate crying everything about it is horrible.

"What's in your hand?" I ask him.
Iv decided I'm only going to talk to Tim, not my parents just him. He understands.

He looks upset about something.
"It's a um- a note."


"Callie." He walks up to the bed. "Read it." He says and leaves the room again.

'Hey, your right. I'm just going to tell my dad it was all one big mistake. I don't even think she loves me, so it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm going to tell him I'm straight, I'll go to confession and everything. He'll take me back. She didn't want to see me anyways. But I do love her Tim. A lot, maybe it's better this is happening. Please tell her I care for her and I always will. No matter what happens she needs you. She's amazing and one day she'll find someone better then me. She'll be happy, and that's all I can ask for. Love is doing everything and anything to make that one person be happy, and by me doing this. In or out of her life she need to be happy. I just love her so much this hurts me. But I can't stay, it will make her feel bad anyways. Love always Callie xoxo.'

She left. It's what I wanted right? Her not seeing me like this.
But I mean I still want her in my life.
I start to cry, if only I told her the truth when I had the chance. If only I told her I loved her too. That I can't life without her. But now it's all to late. What have I done.?
Maybe I'll see her at school. And we could be friends.

6 months later.
No Callie. Not at school. No where. Not even mark has heard from her and they are best friends.

I'm back at school with my fake leg. Not a lot of people know about it. Only mark and teddy.
But still no Callie. I miss her everyday. I have no way to connect with her, I hope she's doing well. But it's okay now. I moved on even though I never stop thinking about her.
'It's for the best' I tell myself.

Tim has been away. He's fighting already, he called me every Monday to tell me everything about what it's like.
Today is Monday and iv heard nothing from him. Iv been sitting near the phone since I got home which wasn't that long.

*Ding Dong*
"I got it mom!" I yell from the living room.

I opened the door.. What just happened I thought to myself

"Hello, is your father home?" Two men standing in front of me wearing uniforms.

"Mom!" I yell looking at them. "Dad is working" I say.
They look at me worried. I just look back at them until mom comes.

"Yes hone-" she stops. Doesn't even make it near the door, she's down the hallway, 3 feet away from the door.

"This.. It's- it's not happening. H-he just started." She says, starting to cry and I look at her funny. Is she talking about Tim?

"I'm sorry Mrs. Robbins for your loss. Your son was one of the best rangers we have ever had. He died saving a few of his own this Saturday. I'm very sorry." One of them said.

I just stood there. Tim. Tim is dead.
"He can't be. I just talked to him last Monday. T-Tim is alive. Y-Your wrong!" I say moving around, my prosthetic it's making my leg hurt.

"Unfortunately, we are talking about Timothy Robbins. We are so deeply sorry." The other one said.

Mom comes from behind me, and I start to cry. "Timmy is dead mom. He isn't coming back." I fall to the ground and take my leg off.

"I can't! He needs to be here- I-I need him. He's all I have left. I- can't do it without him." I sob and he guys are still standing there looking at my fake leg.

"I'm sorry." My mom says and shuts the door.
She comes to the floor with me and hold me. It all is coming out. The pain iv holded in for 6 months, Callie left. Tim is dead. I lose it all.

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