Chapter 9

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Callie pov
Thankfully Arizona was in the front because I was looking at her the whole time. She was so amazing, and the things Tim said earlier make me smile.

"We're here!" Tim says while he puts his car in the driveway. I slowly got out while Arizona was already inside.

"You know she likes you right? I mean if you roll that way. She didn't say. I know it's her first day living her, but I haven't seen her this happy since the move." Tim tells me locking his car.

"She's a really different person, the good kind. She has this really super magic smile,you know?" I question him has I walk towards the door to the house.

"I'm glad you now that smile." And with that I just go inside.

"Hey calliope!" Arizona comes up to me from the kitchen with a note in her hand.

"Hey, Arizona where do I put my things?"

"Um, In my room, here I'll show you." She said has she reached her and out for mine, and I gave her what she wanted.
Her room was up the stairs down the hallway. So simple

"You can put your things on the bed or anywhere really I don't mind. And sorry about Tim... He's likes seeing me happy and like talking to people." She says looking in the mirror fixing her hair, I just stare at her and seeing her blush was so cute.

"It's okay, I don't mind. He seems like a really good brother. I have a question." I say going up behind her, not know if I should make a move, or if it's to early to.
"Mmm?" She questions
"Why in the are you fixing your hair if it's already beautiful just has you are?" I smile putting my arms around her, hoping I didn't mess anything up.

She smiles "um- I don't know, a nervous Habit I guess, hehe. " she looks away from the mirror and I just stare at her though it. You can see her blush, and that smile is to die for.

"You've been hugging me like that for a while, aren't you tired?" She questions after a while. I didn't even notice it because it felt so right and normal.

"Oh, no it doesn't hurts sorry though if It was to early. I'm just a touchy friend." I say backing from her trying to hide my blush.

"No, it's okay, I don't really mind it Calliope I enjoyed it. Oh, so you do this often?" She says smiling turning around, leaning against her dresser.

"Actually it was just an excuse to hold you, " I blush away from her staring. "And no, I do it very little. Only to the people who I think that are special really." I say with a nervous laugh, still avoiding eye contact with the beautiful blonde who is staring at me.

"Well calliope.." She comes in closer and I feel my heart racing. "That's really good to know, but I must return the favor." I was a bit confused but she came close to were our lips are about 2 inches away and my heart goes crazy. She puts her arms around my waist and I put mine around her neck.

"I'm not sure what I'm doing." She says before leaning in and barely touching her soft pink lips to mine.

"Girls pizza is here!" Tim says coming in her room causing both me and Arizona jumping back away from each other.

"Did I come on at a bad time? I see both of your faces and let me tell you, yall look like to freaking tomatoes!" He says bursting in laugh

"NOT FUNNY TIM! There's a thing called KNOCKING! Have you heard of it?" Arizona yells at him has they walk down stars and I just smile.

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