Chapter 20

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Arizona Pov

"Hey beautiful." Callie says while hugging me.

"Your sweet." I smile letting go looking back at the lady driving off in the car Callie came in. "Was that your mom?" I ask her

"Oh um no thats Alexis. She's my family's maid, she took care of me from day one. She's been there more then both of my parents have. She's pretty amazing." She says walking inside my house.

"Well that's good to know. I'm glad someone can be there for you. When you need them." I say grabbing her bags making my way up to my room.

"Yea. I guess so." Callie says following my up the stairs, "and then I also have you so there's that."
Closing the door,I smile at her comment. She is just.. So freaking perfect in so many ways, her voice is like a song that I never get tired of.
We walk into my room. I set her things on my bed when I feel hands wrap around my waist.

"Mmm you smell good you know. Your just so perfect with your super magic smile." She says. Here comes the butterflies.

"Your pretty awesome yourself." I turn around to face her.
We didn't move, we just stood there holding each other, looking at each in each other's eyes. Those deep brown eyes.

"I feel like you complete me in a way I can't explain." I say pulling her in for a kiss. It was slow and passionate. No rush, no hunger. Just passionate.
She pulls back, and we put our foreheads together.

"I feel the same way. I'm my happiest  when I'm with you." She says smiling.

"Calliope.. I know this is crazy, and I don't know what it's like but I-"
I was cut off my Tim.

"Let's go Ari! Let's find us some food!" He opens the door. and Callie and I pull away from each other.

"Tim! Ugh your so annoying you know that!" I yell back and I hear Callie laugh

"Chill, your lucky I wasn't mom or dad. And plus you know me. I won't say a thing about anything. When you need it just tell me to bother them so you can be with Callie." He says looking at her "Hey Callie."

"Hi Tim." She says turning red, which is so cute.

"Your blushing by the way." Tim says going out the room "let's get food girls."

"Wait, you can see the color of my face?! I thought I was to dark for the redness." She says freaking out following Tim

"Just a little, but it cute so it's all good." I say following both of them out of the room to the car. I sit in the back with Callie so she isn't alone.

"Do you ever wonder if the parents will question Callie always over?" Tim asks.

"Well I don't know, she's my best friend, and my girlfriend but you know they can't know that. I'll just tell them that me and Callie are super duper close and really amazing friends." I say holding her hands.

"You say super duper?" She laughs

"Totally! And you don't?" We both start bursting out laughing.

"What about a cover up!?" Tim questions getting excited about it

"What do you mean?" Me and Callie say in unison.

"Well like if they ever ask why she's over so much I can just tell them she is my girlfriend." He states

"Hell to the no. I'm not sharing Callie with any even if it's for a cover up."

"You would have done it if it was anyone else though, and you know it."
It's true. If it was someone else like an ex or something I could've cared less. But Callie isn't anyone else. She's Callie.
I stay quiet because it's true.

"So callie, how do you like Arizona getting all defensive about it. Or should I say jealous." Tim laughs turning into Papa Jones

"It's adorable honestly. Way to go Tim." She laughs

"Well thanks guys for all of this embarrassment." I say looking out the window

"Your very welcome Zona." He steps out "pepperoni or cheese pizza?"

"Pepperoni!" Callie yells getting all excited which makes me look at her.

"Be back in a few." Tim shuts the car door and leaves.

"Your freaking adorable you know that?" She says unbuckling her seatbelt moving closer to me.

"Your so beautiful you know that right?" I unbuckle mine.

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