Chapter 23

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Tim pov.
It's 9 o'clock and I haven't heard from Arizona. She would have called me by now, right? I called her 5 times already and I got nothing. Maybe she's still with Callie.

"Timothy, go get your sister before its 10!" My dad yells from down stairs

"You heard from her sir?"

"What do you mean? I haven't, but I thought you did." He sounds unsure

"No sir I haven't, I thought she was still hanging with Callie."

"Youre telling me that your sister hasn't texted or called you since she left." He stands up.

"She hasn't. Want me to call Callie and make sure she's okay?" I ask

"Do that and come tell me." He says. I know him, things don't worry him but this is different.

Has I was making my way up the stairs the door ball rings "I got it!" I open the door hoping is was Arizona.

Callie pov
All day iv been with Alexis, haven't heard anything from Arizona since my phone no longer works. I guess being bisexual comes with a price, but I'm not changing just for him.
I need to know if she's okay, if she's alright so I asked Alexis to take me to her house and she does.

I walk up to her house and ring the door bell.
As soon as it opens I start talking.

"I don't care if she told you she didn't want to talk to me. Tim i need to see her," I walk in the house "Arizona?!" I yell, I see her dad get up from some place. "Where is she?" I turn around asking Tim.

He looks at me with fear in his eyes.
"I was about to call you." He looks around behind me.
"She's not with you." He asks freaking out.

"What do you mean? She left after my dad yelled at her to get out.. He wasn't so happy with the way I am." I look at Tim and then behind him at his father. "She's not here?" I ask getting worried.

"No!" He turns around to his dad.
My heart.. I hope she's with someone else.

"We need to find her. This isn't like her to not call anyone and tell us where she is at." Tim says to his father. His dad nods looking at me.

"Callie, when exactly was the last time you saw Arizona?" He asks and I look at Tim, not sure if I should tell her dad about her being a lesbian. But I don't care, she just needs to be safe.

"Um- sir. We where in my room. It was like 5 minutes after Tim dropped us off. And I was putting my things away talking to her about life, and stuff." I look at Tim. "I went to hug her and then kissed her um-sir." I looked at Mr.Robbins "and he got mad and yelled at her to leave and she did, she stormed out of my house." I take a deep breath "after my dad disowned me I texted her but she never answered. So I figured she came home crying." I looked away from Mr.Robbins.

"And you haven't seen her after that?"

"No sir."
He nods  "Very well then, we have to look for her."

"Is there anywhere near your house that you think she would go to?" He asks me getting his car keys.

"The park maybe, she always wanted me to go there but I'm not a park person." I say looking at Tim who follows behind his dad and I follow behind him shutting the door.

"Dad? Your okay with Arizona being gay?" Time asks

"Yea, why wouldn't I be? She's my baby girl. Me and your mother have always known about it we just never said anything to her because we wanted her to tell us." He says getting into his truck.

Why can't my dad be like that? More understanding? I wondered

" do you want me to call mom?" Tons ask
"No, don't worry her unless it's something big."

I really hope Arizona is with teddy or something. The thought of her being all alone and hurt makes me want to cry. She needs to be perfectly fine.

We go to the park near my house and we get out.

"It would be better if we go different ways." Tim says and we go different ways.
I use the flashlight from my phone to help me see. I walk down the park and I see the dark alley. If she wanted space this would be the best place other then her house.
I walk into the alley.
"Arizona?!" I look around flashing my phone around to see my surroundings

"Arizona, sweetie I'm here."

"Hmm" I can slightly hear some noise coming in front of me.

"Arizona? Is that you?" I keep walking ahead and I step in something, I flash my phone and see that it's red. Blood!

I keep walking


I look down and she's there. On the floor. With a pool of blood around her.

"Shh, baby don't speak okay." I say dropping to the ground holding her in my arms

"TIM! I FOUND HER!" I can hear running footsteps coming this way.

I look at her, examined her and I take off my hoodie, holing back my tears.

"Arizona, this is going to hurt, but your leg is bleeding and I need to stop it." I rap my hoodie around her leg.

"Holy shit! What happened to her?!" Tim comes from behind me.

"I don't know." I look up at him worried and he can see why.

He picks her up and goes to the car.

"Dad! We need to get to a hospital now!" He yells.

"Give her to Callie, call your mom and tell her to pick you up here son. Your not coming with us." He puts Arizona in the back set

"I- but dad"

"No! You will try to question her. Don't. She wouldn't want you too see her like this." He tells Tim, and Tim nods.

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