Chapter 29

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Callie pov.
First day on the job. I feel bad leaving Austin at home with a new nanny, he really loved Emma, but things change, for better or worse.

I walk into the hospital not knowing where to go, so I walk up to this older man.

"Excuse me? Do you know where the morgue is at?"

"Oh, uh yes, your gonna-" he looks at me, "wait who are you?" He asks

"Depends on who is asking." I say

"Richard Webber. Chief of surgery, I basically run this place." He says sticking out his hand.
Holy shit I just gave attitude to the boss of my boss.

"I'm sorry sir, Um Callie Torres, the new medical examiner sir."

"It's alright ms. Torres." I nod at him.
"It's Dow-" but before he can finish another man came up behind him.

"Torres! Is that you?" A tall man with grayish hair looks at me.

"Um.. Yes?" I look at him confused, who is he?

"It's Sloan, Mark Sloan." He says.
I'm in disbelieve. He doesn't look the same, damn puberty hit him really good.

"Oh my god Mark!" I come up to hug him. I missed him so much, and yet I didn't even recognize him.

"How have you been Torres?" He asks me

"Pretty good, just moved here a month ago with my son Austin. "

"You have a son? Since when?" He says

"About-" I start but the chief cuts me off

"Sloan go show Torres around." And he leaves.

"Austin is five, he'll be six in October near Halloween. He is super cute." I say

"Do you have a photo?" I nob and take out my phone. He he's my home screen.

"He is about the cutest thing I have ever seen." He says and I start to laugh.
He starts walking about I follow him.

"And his dad? Is he here?" He asks.
I look down at my feet.

"His dad wasn't a good man, very abusive and drunk all the time." I say and then look at Mark. "Austin doesn't know his father. He is dead to me, so I make sure he is dead to Austin too." I finish

"Well if I knew about this he would be really dead." He says and I start to laugh.

"That's true."

"We should have drinks tonight, or something. At your place? Rally up the old group?" He looks at me.

"Old group? Like who?"  I question, but heart starts to race has my mind goes to Arizona Robbins.

"You know, the twisted sisters, little grey and teddy." He says, so thankful he didn't say Arizona.

"Oh yes, sure my place. But not to much drinks I do have a son." I say

"Me too, me and little grey, mer and Derek had a couple also." He says

Wow I guess we all grew up, who knew they would still be here.

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