Chapter 12

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Arizona pov
I'm glad I met callie, i just want to wait on us if there is us.
I sit on my bed just thinking and mostly replaying the kiss, her taste, I crave her, her presence. Even though she's in the shower. I just want to be next to her all the time.
I hear the shower stop. "Hey, Um Arizona?" Callie screams from the bathroom
"There's no towels in here.. So um can you bring me one? The doors unlocked."
"Oh, yes. Sorry I guess mom never put them in there hold up, I'll get it for you." I scream back.
I get up and go into tims room to steal a towel, I go back into me room and for some reason I'm heart starts to race.
"Um- callie?" I knock on the restroom door
"Ya, just open it im hiding."
"Okay" I open it and just stand there. She peeks out from the shower curtain and there it is. Her Carmel flash. Bare. Naked.
"Arizona? You there, I'm kinda freezing and I would like the towel."
"Oh- Ya. I'm sorry. I just-"
"You where staring at me. I get it."
"What-no I don't know what you mean." I start to blush hoping she doesn't notice but I'm just to freaking white.
"Okay sure, whatever you say, even though your face is red." She goes back into the bath and then comes out. With just a towel rapped around her. Water dripping down her Carmel body. I just freeze.
"I- I should, go into my room and um- um a ill be I my room.l I say and I walk out the bathroom. Because if I didn't I probably have done something I would regret.

•••hey guys! I'm sorry this is a short chapter, but I promise the next one will be better! Iv been really busy, but I'm trying my best to write. Love yall greys people!•••

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