Chapter 13

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Callie pov
I have no shame of my body. I even dance in my underwear for crying out loud. I love the way I look, and if it was up to me, I would come out of this bathroom in my bra and underwear. But I wouldn't know how arizona would feel about that, I mean she did stare at me when she came in. But I wish that I knew her before this. It's only been one day and I think j already grew feelings for her, for some reason.
I'm not gonna lie, but I wish she kinda stayed in the bathroom.
I changed into my pjs and walked into her room. I see her lying on her bed, having her head hang off of it with headphones in her ears and her eyes closed. The best part was that she's singing, and it sounds amazing. I didn't want to bother her so I just watched her for a while with this huge smile on my face.
A couple of mins past and she opened her eyes.

"Oh my god calliope! How long have you been there?!" She asked getting of the bed by doing some flip thingy. I laughed a little.

"Enough to hear you sing, which by the way is really good. I didn't know you could sing too." I say with a smile and she just blushes.

"Ya, I was in choir in middle school, but nothing big. You sing?" She asked

"Ya, just a little. It's a story for latter." I say has I put my things in her dresser and walk to the bed sitting behind the standing arizona.

"Well I mean we have time and all. Which I would like im-um to get to know you better." All I can do is just smile.

"Yea? You do? Interesting." She turns around looking at me.

"Well of course Calliope, I would love to, you just seem really awesome."
The way my name rolls off her lips give the the chills, it's prefect.

"Same for you arizona."
She flashes me a smile.

"Okay, sounds like we should but let me take a shower first, it's been a long day."

"I'll be waiting here then." We smile at each other and she heads into the bathroom with JUST her towel.

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