Chapter 24

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Arizona pov
I try to open my eyes but it's to bright.
My mind is racing with thoughts, where am I? Who brought me here? Why am I here?

"Arizona?" An unfamiliar lady called my name, coming over my face with a flashlight into my eyes. I can see everything now. I'm in a hospital. But why?

"Is she going to be okay? Is she awake?"
Is that Callie?

"Ma'am you need to get out so we can work on her. Go back into waiting room with the others." The lady says

"No you don't understand. She needs to be okay. She needs to live!"
It is Callie, I need her.

"Cal-" I cough and the lady looks at me. Coming to my side.

"What did you say? What do you need?" She looks at me.

"I-" I start "I need Callie." I finish saying.
All of the sudden a flash of pain comes to me. My leg. It hurts. All I can do is try to scream.

"She's out of shock!" The woman said.

"We need to get her to an OR before we lose this leg!"

My leg? What? Are they going to cut it off? I want Callie.
Another wave of pain came through and I just screamed.

"Shh, " they take me out of the room and rush me somewhere "everything will be okay, we are here for you and make sure you can live a almost normal life. You just have to pull through the pain." It was the same lady who told Callie to get out.
I nod.

"What-" I try to say but she cut me off
"Shh, don't try to talk it will just make you hurt more."
With that we went into another room.

"I'm going to scrub in!"
It's doesn't take long until they prep me, and she comes back.

"You can do this. You will pull through darling. People are waiting on you. I believe you can do this." She says and I just looks at her and nod.

For a surgeon she really cares about her patients and stuff. She seems caring.

"Can you count to ten for me?"

"1-" I take a deep breath, she's right it does hurt "2-3-4" and now I'm under.

-my thoughts-
Is this what's it's like to be done when surgery happens to you, because if it is, it's like sleeping a very peaceful sleep. You can't wear anything, you don't feel anything, your just there laying down on a table, all exposed to people whom you don't know.
Guess that's how it works. It's like you're  in your own body but at the same time you're out of it.
My leg. I remember now. The man cut it very deep not only that but I must have been out there for awhile until they found me, which means there's a grate chance of infection, not only that but all the cuts over my body. All the scars I would have from it. I would be ugly, I wouldn't won't anyone to see me, not even Callie.
Oh Callie, why was she here? I though she would be mad at me, for what happened. But she was there.
No. I will be ugly, I would be her beast, causing trouble and hurt to her. I need to do what ever I can so she will be okay, so she will be happy. With or without me in her life.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I really hope y'all like it. Y'all are amazing and I love you! Thanks 😘✌🏻️

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