Chapter 15

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Callie pov
Her body is so warm, laying next to her is amazing even if we just met I don't mind doing this all the time.
I don't know way but I need to get to know her, maybe it's because I like her. She's just I don't know just different.
We are both awake in silence staring up at the ceiling.
"So uh, Arizona why did your parents name you after the state?" I asked, I mean like Iv wanted to know since I met her.
She laughed a little and it made me smile.
"Most people think I was named after the state, I find it funny really.."
I turn on my side and look at her.
"But I wasn't. I was named after a battleship, the U.S.S Arizona.My grandpa served on the ship when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. He saved 19 men before he drowned." She sounded proud of her name and him.

"Wow, your name has a story behind it.. That's amazing." At this point we were both on our sides looking at each other.

"Ya, I guess. What about you Callie? Any meaning?"

"Not really I don't think. I never bothered to ask my parents. I mean it's a very Latina name that's all." We both laughed

"What do you want to be, like the job you want." She asked

"This is crazy because I don't have the brain for this but a Ortho Surgeon. What about you?"

"I think you have the brains to do it." She started playing with my hair. And I smile "I want to become a general surgeon, but only for peds. For some reason I love kids."

"Well that's good to know. Kids are so cute like I just want so many just because they are cute," I say turning on my back, and Arizona moves in closer.

"That's nice. Is there anything interesting about you other then wanting kids."

"Um- I'm not really sure. I mean I'm kinda somewhat a boring person."

She laughs "There's no way calliope that your a boring person. I mean like look at you. You seem like your full of amazing stories and stuff." She giggles and it's so cute.

"Well when my parents aren't home I dance in my underwear.. And I cook really good." I confuse

"You dance in your underwear? I'd pay to see that." She says laughing and I play push her

"Well thanks battleship."

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