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Jacob's pov.

Stepping into the lunch room. I search for my crew in the crowd. "Aye Jay over here!" Turning to my left I spot snake. Slowly walking my way over there I smirk. "So what have you guys thought up yet?" Sitting down Larry slides a tray over. "Well you know how we do laundry at night?" Nodding my head I take a bite of an apple. "Yeah, how does that have anthing to do with the plan?"

Frowning he puts a spoon full of rice into his mouth. "Well they take it out of the prison." Nodding my head I smirk. "Oh I see what you've got going on." Tapping the table he beams. "Yes so I was thinking. Maybe we can get inside of the laundry bags." Tapping my fingers onto the table. I take another bite of the apple.

"Yeah but what will we do about our cells?" Frowning he puckers his lips. Clearing his throat snake gets our attention. "Well we could put the missing clothes in our bunk. Make them shape like a body or some shit." He grunts out in a ruff voice. "See I knew you were smart. Since you thought of that, I'll fuck you tonight." Blushing he flicks me off and continues eating.

"I knew I heard moaning, but I thought that he was fucking you." Laughing Larry hits the table repeatedly. Frowning I pout at him. "Well Larry I'm appalled. I would never be the fuckee, but the fucker." Choking on his water he chuckles loudly.  "Well any who when are we gonna do this?" Taking another sip out of his water he shrugs. "Next time they do laundry."

Nodding my head I count my fingers. "So in three days we make our move." Nodding their heads snake frowns. "You're not gonna break our deal are you?" Smiling I pout innocently. "No you guys get to get your feel of my little brother. After you're done I'll fuck him and kill him." Smiling he nods his head. "Now boys rest up, and fucking stack up on snacks. Save all the fucking vending machine snacks or you'll starve."

In three days I'll get you little brother. And trust me I'll make due to my words.

Just a short chapoie of what goes in in jacobs mind. Yeesh!
Oh shit wtf is about to happen. Lol anyeho more chappies coming yall way. Love you all my lovelies #poptartloverout:)!"!"!"!

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