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Scene XIII

Young America POV

"Welcome to my party!" Confederate cheers, hugging her guests. Today is a special occasion because Confederate placed first in our archery competition. Even though I got third place, I don't get any recognition for my achievement. But, I'm happy that I at least got something other than nothing. Father would've been very mad at me if I got last place.

After leading the guests to the backyard, Confederate comes over to me. I frown, "still thinking about him?"

She nods slowly, "yeah. I'm scared he—"

I hug her, rubbing her back, "he'll come. Don't worry."

She hugs me tightly. "I don't know why Can-can hates him. He's so loving and handsome. He's everything Can-can can't be."

"I know. I know." I whisper softly. We sit on the stairs, awaiting more guests. It's only China and his friends who haven't arrived yet.

Confederate's really pretty today. She's wearing a pink sundress, white heels, silver necklaces, and a tiara. Father's little princess. I'm wearing the only dress I have: a blue floral dress.

The doorbell rings, which gets Confederate excited. She delicately dashes to the door to open it. "Hi China!" She exclaims, hugging him. China smiles at her, hugging her back. Estonia coughs, gaining Confederate's attention. She smiles nervously, "didn't see you there. Welcome!"

I sigh, getting down the stairs. Seems like she needs help with the guests. She only invited China's friends because they're China's friends, nothing more; she wants China to like her. "Hello, I'll lead you guys to the backyard!" I smile sweetly.

"Hi 美国!" China smiles at me. I wave back shyly. Why does he look so handsome in that emerald button down dress shirt? Italy smirks, patting China on the back before looking at me.

"He was talking about you the whole way here." Italy whispers in my ear. I blush, looking at China. His cheeks flushes red once he realizes he has been exposed. Italy smiles at Confederate so she doesn't see our nervousness, "congratulations! You're a really good archer!"

Confederate smiles widely at the praise, "thank you so much Italy! We made your favorite pasta. I hope you like it."

Italy rubs his hands together, "can't wait to rate it!"

I giggle softly, "follow me!" With that, we leave China and Confederate alone to talk. She told me she wanted to ask China to ditch Philippines and be with her because she's afraid he won't stay loyal. Of course China's going to guilt trip her into doing what he wants.

"I heard you got third place. Congrats," Cuba smiles.

"Yeah! China showed us this one shot you did and it literally cut through your other arrow. You should've gotten first place for that trick," Estonia grins. I blush, flattered by their praises. I didn't know China watched my competition.

"Thank you," I stutter. I've never received so many praises from multiple people. All I got was two high fives from Australia and New Zealand when I got my medal. Nothing more. Father didn't even look at me. He was busy reading his newspaper.

Australia runs over to us, then hugs me. "You have friends?" He teases, smirking slightly.

"Of course she has friends. She's a great person," Estonia giggles.

"This is my little brother Aussie, but you can call him spiderhead." I smile. Australia glares at me.

"Hi spiderhead," Finland smirks.

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