Chapter 8

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I blow a hair strand from my forehead, while I am ordering the papers. It's 18:55 PM, I have been doing this for almost an hour now. Wait, I forgot Taylor.. I mean, Ms Swift's coffee. I stumble up and head outside, trying to find a coffee machine. "Sorry, do you have a coffe machine?" I question. The man who I approached, eyes me for a second, then points at a half opened door. 'Kitchen' is painted on it. "Thanks." I slowly walk in, expecting to find someone, but no one is here. Luckily. I put milk in the coffee and a few cubes of sugar, just in case. Wait, what if she doesn't like it with sugar? Who doesn't like their coffee with sugar? I quickly make a new one, before I head out. The lift opens and I head in, with a slamming heart. The coffe in my hand is shaking. There is a camera in front of the main door to her office, what I haven't noticed before. Do I have to knock? I awkwardly knock on the door, but I get no response. "Hello, ms. Swift?" Seconds later, a beeping goes off and the door opens automatically. Taylor is standing in front of the large window, she looks even slimmer. She turns around and smiles.

I walk over to her Mahagony desk and place the cup on it. "Thanks, I thought you forgot me."

"I was busy with the paper stack." I remind her. My eyes observe every move she makes, she puts her red lips on the cup and takes a sip. Taylor keeps a pokerface. "And?" I ask, "This is the worst coffee I have ever drank. No sugar."

"I-I thought," She raises a brow, "I'll just make you a new one." She nods. "But I prefer tea." Seriously?! I try to keep a straight face, "Sorry Tay- I mean ms. Swift." I nod and walk to the door. "One thing," I say, "yeah?"

"Can I go earlier? Like in an hour, I'm going to expect my boyfriend after one year."

"Oh, now you got a boyfriend." I frown, "Yeah, why?"

"Didn't seem like it, when you were about to hook up with this guy at the party." A big gasp escapes my lips, "Um, excuse me, you have no idea okay? I didn't want to hook up with him, and besides, my boyfriend and I weren't dating at that time." She giggles and folds her hands. "Sure, do what you want." Is all she says and I angrily strut out. She can be a bitch! So this is how she saw things? Fuck her.

I take the teabag out of the cup and throw it away. I don't have to make this tea for her, I came here for an internship. I wanna learn something! My phone beeps in my pocket, just how I expected it, Michael is calling. "I'm at work babe, I can't." I whisper, "Oh sorry, I just wanted to tell you that we already landed." My eyes shoot open,"What? This fast? Oh wow."

"Are you happy?" I swallow the lump in my throat, "Nervous. But yeah, happy." There is a long silence on the line, "Mike?"

"Yeah?" I almost feel sorry for him, that I didn't give him the reaction he expected, "I need to go okay?"

"Okay, are you going to pick me up?" He questions, "Yeah."

"Okay, when?"

"In about an hour, I really need to go now baby."

"Okay, bye." I quickly hang up and head outside. A worker just enters the room, luckily after I hung up. What if she heard me on the phone? "My mom called." I let her know and she confusingly nods. Weird..

I carefully walk along the wet asphalt, right towards Jenna. "Hi." I mumble, while I buckle the seat belt. "You sound.. depressed." I sharply exhale, just before I cuss on Taylor. Not only is she not nice, but also extremely bitchy. I guess, I just 'know' her. I remember her begging me to stay in her night gown, then this happened. "What's up Cass?" She pierces, "Just thinking about Mike. He is here."


"That's how it's supposed to be. But it doesn't feel great. I'm not normal." My friend starts the engine. I'd rather listen to the rustling radio, than talk about Michael. "Are you not even looking forward? What happened?"

"I haven't seen him for a while, now he strangely pops up in my life again. It's weird, and not believable."

"That's what you guys probably needed. A break, to figure out what you wanted. Don't you think that now is the right time for a reunion, and maybe double dates?" She wiggles her brows at the last words. Everything that comes out of her mouth, sounds right. Maybe she is right, maybe we needed a break, even though it wasn't one. But destiny brought us back together I guess. "Urgh, you really need your own car Cassie."

"Says the one who drives her boyfriend's car." Her eyes shift to me, "We share everything. For real. So this is also my car." I raise one eyebrow. They really do. Too many things to be honest. "Why is everything so perfect between you two?" A smile plays on her lips, I guess this is what she always wanted to hear. "We are soul mates. We don't fight, we always agree on everything."

"You do?" I ask, "Yeah." Suddenly she gets silent. "What?" I question. She tugs her dark hair behind her ear, "I love him. Gosh, I never thought I would find someone like Kellan. Who understands me, without words. He asked me if I would marry him after college." She pauses, and my jaw drops. "What? Like legitimately marry him? Did he go down on his knee with a ring?" She shakes her head nervously giggling.

"I.. I didn't say yes." She bites her lip, "I don't know what I want. I want him, but..."

"Yeah?" I sit up, "My parents. I don't know what they will think of him."

"Because he's African American?" She nods slowly, "Jenna three years, three damn years, and you couldn't tell them? Gosh, it's the 21st century-" Suddenly my phone buzzes,
"Michael?" Jenna knows and I nod. "Pick up." My fingers reach out, but the phone stops vibrating. "Call him back," Jenna suggests, "I-I don't need to. I will see him in a few minutes anyway." First I will need to borrow Kellan's car again. "You need the vehicle right?" I nod, "Just like always. Take care of it."

"I always do." I say and she gets out. As soon as I sit on the driver's seat my heart begins to pound in the rhythm of the song Riptide by Vance Joy.

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now