Chapter 40

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Jenna and I are sitting in the library, going through some textbooks and studying for the finals exams, that are coming in December. My head is buzzing and my brain feels mushy, I am usually prepared for exams, but the last one was a fail. I want to focus more on studying to pass the finals. It feels like we have been sitting here for hours.

Jenna's eyes peek up to me every once in a while, she has been checking on me quiet a lot, even though I assure her that I'm fine. Jenna and Kellan are both back together, while I am secretly crying after Taylor. I bet she is busy with her former fling Karlie. Ever since I found out about Karlie and Taylor, I feel like I can't compete.

I slightly jump as Jenna's phone loudly vibrates on the solid table, her face lights up.

"Aw he is so cute," she gushes. It feels so old again, me being single and having both of my friends dating. But there was no Taylor before, I can't jus not think about her.

"Hey," we hear a male voice say from behind, I turn around. It's Kellan, his hands in his pockets.

"Hi babe," Jenna greets him and rushes towards him, wrapping her arms around his moscular neck.

"Hi Cas,"

"Hi," I bluntly greet him back. I have a feeling he knows about me and Taylor. I honestly don't care, he is my friend, but I don't know if Taylor would like that. She is still closet gay. I thought I would be the one to make her come out. Especially to her parents.

"It's okay, you can go," I say. Jenna's facial expression tells me that she wants to go, "Really?" I nod. She gives me a quick hug, before she leaves with Kellan hand in hand. I brought them back together, after I realized how much time Jenna has been spending on me. She deserves to be in love.

I get up and take my stuff, strutting out, soon being exposed to the cold. I take a quick look at my phone, no text. Am I the only one, who has constantly zero messages?

I really have no real friends beside Jenna and Kellan. There are some people, who I could befriend, but I literally had no time to even talk to them.

There is this girl in my calculus class, she sits two rows in front of me. Her shaved head has always made her quiet interesting. I'd like to know, why she has short hair.

Or there is this guy named Randy, who reminds me of a ginger version of Kellan, he seems cute and nice. He once helped me with furnitures for my dorm. But I think he has a girlfriend, I don't think she would like us to be friends.
Or I could befriend the janitor, who is always friendly to me, when I forget something in school.

I take Kellan's car, which he began lending me again, and drive to Karlie. She and I could be friends. I mean, we dated the same girl, we might as well share the same interests. I bet she has slight characteristics as Taylor, which is good.

I take a deep breath before I ring the bell. It takes minutes until someone opens the door. A blonde mob of hair comes in view. "Hi Karlie," I say in a small voice. Her face is pale, her mouth is wide open.

"Hey um... what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk, you know," I tell and she only nods. She barely opened the door, her face is only peeking out.

"I'm sorry, Cassie, I am busy,"

"Oh um, I'll make it fast, please, five minutes. I need someone to talk, please," I desperately add the last word. She rolls her eyes and opens the door.

"Okay," she whispers and I shyly walk in.

"I just wanted to talk abo-" I stop in front of the opened door to the living room.


"Taylor?" What a coincidence. I redden and my jaw drops. She looks beautiful, which blows my mind all over again.

"What are you doing here?" She questions, putting her cup of tea down.

"Nothing, you?" I lie and ask her back. She only shrugs. I look back at Karlie, who rubs her neck. Now that they are right next to each other, they don't look that alike to me anymore.

"I am quite surprised, that you showed up here," Taylor acknowledges.

"Quite weird how you show up here, after what we have... I mean had," I spit, soon regretting it. Karlie burries her face in her palm.

"After what we had? You mean after you ended everything? Besides, what does me being here have to do with us?"

"Cassie, I told you we were just friends," Karlie says with a harsh voice.

"That's what they always say, before they fall in love with each other,"

"I didn't invite you, you just showed up,"

"Yeah, I caught you two, having a good time, probably laughing about me behind my back,"

"You are ridiculous," Taylor scoffs.

"This is ridiculous! You didn't call me or anything! I was hoping that we could start it over again but,"

"Wait, I have to call, after you cut me off? This is not how it works,"

"So you're getting comfort from you former affair or what?"


"Cassie just go please," Karlie demands, pointing towards the door. Tears are welling in my eyes, this is so dumb. What am I doing? Why am I even so furious?

I turn on my heels and walk out, noticing how Taylor is following me out.

"Thanks," I thank her sarcastically.

"I never wanted this to happen to us," Taylor says after we stop on the front porch.

"Me neither, but you are obviously better off with her,"

"No. She is my friend. You were something else," My breath hitches at her words.

"Something else than a girlfriend," Taylor stays quiet as I mumbled those words. "Obviously you didn't tell me, that you wanted to meet with her, while we had a thing," I tell while a tear rolls down my flushed cheek.

"I wanted to! Really, I just didn't know when,"

"But anyway, we're not dating, we never were," I want to go, but she gets hold of my hand.

"Wait... Cassie, I am scared. I still want you, but I am scared,"

"I wanna help you!" She shakes her head.

"You can't,"

"Then let me go," I whisper.

"Do you think it's easy? Cassie, ever since you stepped into my office, I couldn't stop thinking of you. I was already imagining, how we would spend our time together. You are so much more than just..."

"Taylor, I would believe you, if you wouldn't have told your parents, that you weren't ready for a relationship,"

"I only said that to end all the questions I'm getting, they constantly wanna know when I'll get married. I can't take it no more, because I want to spend my life with a woman!" Taylor tears up, "Why can't you understand Cassie? Why can't you just start dating me again, without asking so many questions and expecting me to come out to my parents? It worked before," I take a step back.

"Because I don't wanna be a lie! I want your parents to know, that you are proud of who you are with. I thought you were a strong woman, I'm only seeing someone who is afraid," Taylor bites her lip. I really wanna kiss her right now, but I don't want her to think that I easily forgive her.

"I gotta go," I say and she nods.

"Okay," she whispers and without looking at her, I slowly turn away, heading to the car.

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now