Chapter 32

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I walk back to my room and look at the guy on my bed who I thought meant something to me.

I shake him until he wakes up. He groans and grins as soon as he sees me.

"Hey pot head," I say.

"Pot head?" He laughs.

"Did you sleep well?" I fake my friendliness.

"Yeah, but I missed you by my side," he sits up and looks at his wheelchair.

"I had a dream that I could walk again," he sadly tells.

"Oh really?" I get up.

"Why do you sound so bitter and cold?"

"Me?!" I dramatically say. "I don't know, ask Trevor,"

"Who?" I burst out in a loud laughter. He smiles at me with a confused face.

"Is that a joke?"

"No, you son of a bitch!" I smack him across the face and he gasps, looking at me puzzled.

"What was that for?"

"You.." I cry, "I believed you! I hurt Taylor for you! I lost my virginity to you! I was there for you! And you give me this?" I throw the note with Trevor's number at him. He knows there is no way to lie to me, he gives up.

"I am so sorry and ashamed," he rubs his forehead.

"Oh yeah. Me too. Because I believed you, you dickhead!"


"Shut up! I'm gonna kill you! Fuck you! I hate you so much!" I cry. I have a feeling people behind the door are already lining up, to hear what's going on here inside.

"Why? Why would you lie to me like that? Why would you even do that?"

"I have a problem! I'm sick. I don't know," he explains.

"You stole my money,"

"Yes," he admits.

"Taylor never drugged you," he nods. I smack him again.

"Stop it!"

"Is that why you came back to me?" I wanna know. He doesn't say anything.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Cassie I do love you! But I realized now. I have a drug problem and, and people at uni found out so they kicked me out. My parents got informed and they abandoned me. They wouldn't let me move back, so I figured you were an alternative. I needed you. And I used you. I used you to have a shelter and get drugs. And I drugged girls, to get them to have sex with me, I am a complete loss! I have a problem. I am addicted and criminal. Because I raped girls. I used you to get away from the police,"

I am heavily shaking, trying to wake up from this nightmare. The door opens and Jenna walks in.

"What is he doing here?" She looks at both of us. He is naked on my bed and she knows what has been going on.

"What did you do to her?" She asks as she sees me crying.

"Nothing I.."

"Call the police," I cry. I wish he had died in his coma! I normally don't wish death upon people, but he... he is a rapist and a traitor. He used me.

"Do you want me to call your parents?"

"No!" I say and Jenna puts her phone away.

"Wow, I can't believe this all. My mind is blown,"

"Thank you for informing us, the police in Chicago has been looking for him for months. He is on the List of FBI's most wanted fugitives," I sob as one of the cops tells me about Michael.

"I'm sorry about that,"

"Thanks officer," Jenna says and throws him an angry glare.

"What am I going to do now? I am so disgusted. I didn't believe you, I was blind. I hurt Taylor, when she really cared for me,"

"I bet she still does. It's never too late to apologize," I look up at Jenna.

"You think I should?" She nods.

"If I can apologize to Kellan, you can do too,"

"You did?" She nods.

"We're now talking to each other again, but we decided to take a little break, to sort things out,"

"I'm really happy for you. I hope you get back together soon,"

"Me too," Jenna sits down next to me on her bed.

"I don't wanna sleep on my bed anymore,"

"I understand," she caresses my back. I don't know what I would do without her.

"So you had sex,"

"Please. He had sex. I was lying there like a dead body. I bet he would have had sex with me if I was dead. The pain was just too much. Not only physically. I didn't love him all along. I had feelings for Taylor and confused them for feelings for Michael," It's not easy saying this name.

"He manipulated me into having sex with him. I felt pressure because he kept pushing me. So I gave in and did it for his sake," a big tear lands on my hand.

"Aw sweety," she kisses my head. "I'm glad you called that number,"

"Me too. Or else I'd get married to a rapist,"


"Yeah. He talked about marriage, when I visited him in the hospital. He practically proposed to me,"

"Glad you turned him down, you did right?" I nod.

"I learned it from you," Jenna frowns, "Sorry I'm not funny," I apologize.

"It's okay,"

"I'm scared to go to Taylor now,"

"Don't be. Tell her what happened and she will forgive you,"

"I don't know if it is that easy," I really don't. I don't expect her to forgive me, after what I have done.

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant