Chapter 61

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So many days, hours and minutes passed, just for this moment. I have been crying and silently praying next to her, I have been telling her stories and reading the 'Get well soon' cards for her, hoping she'd wake up. I took care of all the flowers, just for her to enjoy the beautiful vibrant colors after she woke up.

My eyes watch her being examined by the doctor, my fingertips are tingling, in desperation to touch her. The more I think about her, the eager I become to just fall into her arms.

"Well, this is a miracle." Dr. Brady expires while he shines his lamp through her eyes. "You know what we have thought when we rushed her in right?" I nod and my smile widens.

Taylor is a fighter. My Taylor is a true fighter.

"But for now, I will need to take her to examine her properly. You know, her mental and physical state." He explains.

"When can I see her?" He presses air out of his thin lips.

"It depends how fast we see results. But I think you will have to wait until tomorrow." Tomorrow?! What?! How am I able to wait for such a long time to see her? Just when she woke up, she is being taken from me again.

"Okay." I weakly reply, him noticing my saddened reaction.

"I know, this seems hard, but I promise you will see her tomorrow." I nod and watch how nurses are entering the room, transporting her bed to the outside.

Taylor still seems pretty intoxicated and weak after all, I shouldn't expect her to jump up and embrace me.

I call her parents and mine, her mother crying over the phone. I explain them exactly what the doctor has said and how she looked when she woke up. Her current state. My parents were supposed to return back home, but they cancelled their flight, just to be there for me. I honestly can't thank them enough.

The doctor shortly comes back, startled that I'm still here after all. He comforts me, saying that everything's going to be alright, but I will have to go home and rest. I have a hard time obeying, but I give in and make my way to my dorm. Jenna isn't there and I will wait until she is back, to tell her the news.

Suddenly I get a call.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello Cassie, Eugene here, I heard that Taylor woke up. Her mother called me."

"She did, but we'll be able to see her tomorrow, they're examining her. Please be there when she's back, she'd appreciate it." I say. Eugene and Taylor have known each other for so many years, I bet she will be even happier to see him after she let him go just like that. Eugene brings a smile to my face, when he assures me, that he is going to show up tomorrow.

In a few minutes Jenna comes back. I tell her everything, a stone falling from her heart.

"Do you want to come tomorrow?"

"I don't think it would be a good idea if many people show up. I will definitely come, but not tomorrow." I understand her, she is right. "Now it's your turn to rest."

I fall asleep after a few hours, then get up at 7:00 AM. Well, I get out of bed at that time, I have been awake half an hour earlier. I decide to take a shower, but leave my hair dry, so I will not have the struggle to blow dry it. I could consider myself lucky, that my course starts at 10:30 so I will not miss anything. The only problem is, that I rarely pick up my textbooks and learn. I really have to fill the gaps and focus on school again.

I put on two sweatshirts underneath my coat, the December air is getting cooler within each day. Snow has already started to fall, perfectly coating the New Yorker streets, the image of white Christmas. I didn't even have enough time to get inside the Christmas spirit by all the drama. Even the decorations don't help. But I surely enjoy it, and it's a fresh breeze of air after all. I can't wait to return home for Christmas.

In the hospital I take the elevator up to Taylor's room, slowly opening the door. I don't want to startle her, so I rather be careful. But she is not who I find, instead I find a nurse making the single bed in the empty room. Taylor's flowers and cards are still there, which confuses me even more.

"Where is Taylor?" I ask, she turns around raising her brows. "The patient?"

"You mean Taylor Swift? She won't be in this room anymore. She is still in the examination. You will have to ask the one responsible for further informations."

What?! What will I tell everyone who wanted to come?

"Who is responsible for this?" I grit through my teeth, but try to sound collected.

"You should ask at the reception, they will help you." I leave and take the elevator to the first floor, my heart hammering in rage. As soon as I approach the receptionist, I bombard him with many questions. A crease forms on his forehead, the more I pierce him.

"Miss, if you'd let me talk, I would be able to give you informations." He assures and scrolls through his Computer. "Right now they're doing a mental evaluation. After that you are going to receive informations about the results."

"How long do I have to wait? Yesterday they told me she would be back." I let out a heavy sigh. "Do I just have to wait?" He nods his head and I let myself drop on one of the chairs in the waiting area. I get pulled out of my thoughts, when suddenly Taylor's mother shows up.

"Cassie." She calls me with a beam.

"Hey." She senses my distress, her blue eyes narrowing. "They told me to wait, since they are still doing a mental evaluation." Just when I speak those words, we hear how a bed is being rolled out of the elevator. I turn around, Taylor calmly lying on the bed, as her eyes spot me, they light up.

"Taylor!" Her mother rushes over to her, eagerly following the bed, while it's being rushed along the hall. "How are you?"

"I'm okay mother." I take her hand from the side. "I'm okay." She assures me.

"I'm so glad to hear that." Eliza places a kiss on her forehead.

"You're the mother?" A doctor I've never seen before questions, this time she is female.


"We tested her and came to the conclusion, that her mental condition is still unstable. She is suffering from depressions and the risk of her repeating a suicide attempt is high." A big lump forms in my throat. "That's why we will have to transfer her into a mental clinic, where she will be under suicide watch." My emotions mirror in Eliza's eyes.

"But- does that mean she will not come home before Christmas?"

"We will at least keep her for two more weeks, depending on how she develops." She says in a very professional tone. No hint of sadness on her voice, while I would be completely overwhelmed to bring this information to anyone close to the patient.

I look at Taylor and wonder if she even knows.

Love you guys and thanks for reading x

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now