Chapter 18

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Jenna and I are lying on our beds, while I am telling her about the day. Of course I also mention Taylor. I tell her that I was at her apartment and what we did, except the part where we touched. "I don't know what his problem is, but he is overreacting. I don't think that you would like Taylor in that kind of way." I nod as she agrees with me. "And you said that she has brothers?"

"Jenna." I sit up, "What? It's just a question."

"Is it over between you?" I want to know and she stays silent. "So it's a yes." I state and she shakes her head, "I don't know. We didn't talk to each other for a while now." Her eyes get dull, "Aw come here." I say and she climbs on my bed. "I never valued him as much as now." She sobs lightly and I gently pull her to my chest. What would Taylor think if she saw us lying like this? How would it feel if she was in my arms? I can't deny, that she has been going through my head a lot lately. The touch, the smell and the movements, everything about her is so... magnificent. I don't know what it is, but she makes me feel different. When she touched me, I did feel tingly and it wasn't because of my over sensitive skin. It was her. Urgh, I don't know, I can't have a crush on her, I'm sure I'm straight. Jenna stares at me, which I didn't notice. "What are you thinking of?"

"Nothing." I say, "That's a lie." Okay she caught me. "About Mike." I lie. She seems to believe me. "When you were with Taylor, what did you do?" My heart begins to pound like a sledgehammer as the question escapes her lips. "We talked about Michael." I lie again. Well we actually did. "I can't imagine talking to her. She seems so... reserved and almost boring."

"She isn't boring at all!" I almost yell, "Wow, sounds like you know her well." No one knows her. "You can't just assume things. She isn't boring at all you don't know her."

"Jeez okay calm down." She says after I defend Taylor. I don't know why it got me, but it was surely not nice the way she talked about Taylor. "I'll go take a shower," I let my friend know and get up, still wearing my working clothes. "You already wore it."

"I know." She sits up, "We need to go shopping." I roll my eyes and escape, before she roasts me about my choice of clothes.

I walk to my next class as I sip on my coffee. Today is a day, where I don't have to work. Which means, I also won't see Taylor. I don't know if it's positive or negative, but after I left yesterday all of the sudden, I feel like an idiot. It was awkward. And also Mike didn't call me today, which is a bad sign. I'm still trying to figure out, if we're done. "Hey!" I look up and find Xavier, "Hi, what's up?"

"Wanna meet to study? You promised." I sigh loudly and agree to meet him after school. "Hey, but don't mention what happened to anyone." I tell and he shakes his head, "Why would I try to make myself look bad?" He winks at me and walks away. What would have happened, if he didn't try to attack me at that night? Would we be a couple? If it was so, Taylor would've hadn't come to my rescue. And there is a connection between us since that night. The butterfly effect. I drift back to reality as the bell rings. Right as class starts, Michael sends me a text.

Babe I'm sorry please don't shut me out. :'(

My heart begins to race and I try to answer, "Ms Lee, you know that phones are not allowed in class." He reminds me with his hand sticking out. I sadly put my phone on his palm. I don't even know, what I wanted to write him. Should I accept his apology? I shake my head and turn to Jenna who confusingly eyes me.

After class I walk up to the vending machine and buy soda, where I also meet Kellan. "Hey." I greet him and he turns a few time, probably to make sure, Jenna isn't around. "Hey. What did Jenna say about me?"

"What would she say?" He shrugs, "Nothing. But she is still devastated."

"Well it wasn't my fault." He mumbles, "Just give her some time. She might give you a final answer. I bet she is going to say yes, no matter what. She loves you."  He stares at me then realizes, that my words may be true. "Oh and could you do me a favor?"

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now