Chapter 59

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Eugene and I get out of his car and walk inside the building.

"Valerie!" I call , as I spot her, she turns around her curls dangling up and down.

"Taylor isn't here." she directly says.

"Where is she?"

"She went home."


"About two hours ago." she walks off. I sigh and turn around to Eugene.

"Lets go." he says and I follow him to his car. I'm honestly so thankful for him.

"Thank you for this Eugene."

"Miss Taylor also means a lot to me."

"I know." I fasten my seat belt, before he hits the gas pedal. We quickly manage to reach Taylor's condo. I storm out and ring the bell.

"Taylor!" I yell. We legit wait for five minutes, but she never opens up.

"Wait, I still have a key." Eugene informs me and gets it out of his suit pocket. He unlocks the heavy door and I march inside.

"Miss Cassie wait-"

"Taylor! I gave you a call where are you?! Taylor?!" I yell.

"Miss Taylor it's me and Miss Cassie!" The living room is empty, except for her two little cats snuggling on top of her book shelve.

I jog upstairs and look into the rooms, one room door is slightly open.

"Taylor?" I say a little calmer now and open the door.

I loudly gasp in shock as I find Taylor lying on bed with her guitar next to her. My heart stops for a moment, the blood inside me turns cold.

"Taylor?!" I shake her, no response. Eugene rushes over to us and sits her up.

"Miss Taylor!" He panicky breathes. He pulls her eyelids up, exposing her rolled back eyes. Her skin is cold and pale and her lips are blue.

"Taylor!" I cry out. Eugene puts his ears on the left side of her chest.

"Her heart isn't beating, she's not breathing," now he places his two fingers on her neck, "No pulse." I look over to the side table, the orange tube is empty.

"No! No!" My whole body is trembling, while Eugene takes out his phone.

"Hello? My name is Eugene Wellens, we found a woman named Taylor Swift unconscious on her bed, I think she overdosed herself with sleeping pills... no she is not breathing, she has no pulse and no heartbeat. I believe she is dead. I don't know for how long."

"No!" I scream and pull her to my chest. Dead. Taylor is dead. This doesn't get inside my head, it sounds like a hoax.

"Taylor I love you, please don't leave me. I love you." I sob.

"Yes... okay... the address? Ma'am I can't hear you." I only hear Eugene say. Everything around me is spinning, nothing seems to make sense to me.

"Okay, please hurry. Yes." he carries Taylor down on the floor and tears open her blouse. "Yes." he hovers over her and places both of his hands on the middle of her chest, quickly beginning to press in a rhythmic motion.

"Please stay with us Miss Taylor." he mumbles. "I'm doing CPR ma'am." he bends down, pinches her nose and places his lips on her open mouth.

"One, two, three..." he counts while pressing. My whole body is frozen, my mind is going crazy. My heart is calling for Taylor, my soul is longing for her. Everything inside me hurts.

I repeatedly stroke her hair.

"Taylor." I whisper. Downstairs the bell rings and I run down.

"Please hurry!" I yell, as soon as I open up. The paramedics are running in, racing upstairs, where I guide them.

"We need space please." one of the paramedics says as she places the stretcher.

"One, two, three," they stick so many wires on her, I don't even know what these things are.

"No pulse, no heartbeat." one of the paramedics announces.

"A shock is coming in one... two... three..." Taylor's chest rises, as a shock wave goes through her body.

"Oh my god." I gasp. Eugene pulls me towards him, I can barely stand on my own.

"Next shock is coming in one... two... three." the next electric wave goes through her body. The whole scenario is like in a movie, in slow motion, like a dream; a nightmare.

"No heartbeat."

"Next shock." My eyes observe everything, my body is numb, I feel nothing.

"We need to get her to the hospital guys."

"Next shock." again her body jumps up.

"Here, there was a heart beat. Guys her heart is beating again." one good news.

"Is she going to survive?"

"We will see, for now we have to get her to the hospital, before her brain dies."

"I'm coming with you."

"Of course." the woman says and I follow her.


"I'm calling her parents." I nod and leave with the paramedics.

They load her inside the ambulance, me staying right next to her.

"I'm never leaving you Taylor." I say and gently squeeze her cold hand.

As soon as we are in hospital, they rush the bed to the intensive station.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come."

"Why not?"

"I know you're worried and want to be with her, but you really have to stay here, we have to do our work." she tries to calm me down. "We will tell you as soon as we have a result."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"We can't tell, but we are hoping for it too." is all she says, before she disappears with the others inside the intensive station. Tears are welling in my eyes, as soon as I am left alone. I hear footsteps coming near me.

"Miss Cassie."

"She is going to be fine." I say and he nods.

"Her father won't let her go so soon." I nod and pull him in for a hug.

I know this chapter is traumatic and probably something you didn't expect to happen. I hope you like this plot, even though it's not very happy. I am already coming up with an end for this story, I thought this plot would be fitting. Please vote if you like this chapter and feel free to leave a comment.

Merry Christmas x

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now