Chapter 49

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Jenna and I lazily lie in bed. She almost fell asleep, as I was telling her about Taylor's plan with Roman. Suddenly I get a call. I struggle to bend over to get my phone from the night stand.

"I'm listening..." I yawn.

"Were you sleeping?" I yawn again. I'm so damn tired. I was planning the invitations with Jenna for her wedding.

"I'm going to meet with my parents. It's showtime for Roman," I sit straight up.

"Good luck," Silence hangs on the line.

"This is gonna work,"

"I know," I hang up and sigh. I still don't wanna do this. It hurts, knowing that the person you love is trying to hide you from the people close to her.

"Jenna?" She passed out, snorting into her pillow.

Taylor's POV

I run a brush through my hair and apply some lipstick. I just don't get why Cassie sounded so... annoyed on the other end. I thought it was okay for her? I wouldn't be doing this, if she wasn't alright with all this. I have to focus on something else tonight. I'm going to meet my parents and let them believe, that I have been hiding a long term relationship with Roman from them. Roman and I went through questions and informations of each other. I know where he studied, what his parents names are, what his favorite food is, what his current job is. Of course we are going to say that he is an international manager. My parents love that rich powerful man nonsense.

"Miss Taylor, Roman is waiting in the living room," Eugene informs me. I nod in his direction. It's gonna be very awkward, pretending to be in love with each other.

"Hello Roman," I greet him, with a formal handshake. "We're going to keep things very professional. No feelings and no contact within our private life. If you have any more questions you can call my secretary or send me an email." He nods, his cold blue eyes lingered on me and his structured jaw tenses. Luckily we have all the paperwork behind us.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Always," he answers.

I ring the bell and my step dad opens up, greeting us with an embrace.

"Oh my god, come in," my mother kisses Roman on the cheek. Apparently very happy, that I came with a man.

As we are sitting by the table, my parents begin to ask questions.

"How did you meet?" My mother questions.

"We met at a business event, one of our colleagues introduced us to each other," Roman nods.

"And how long have you been dating now?" I hear my step dad ask.

"Um, about six months,"

"And you didn't tell us?"

"We wanted to keep everything secret, because of our jobs. He works with one of my business partners and that to me is kind of unprofessional,"

"Oh Taylor, always focused on her job. What do you work as?"

"As an international business man," he proudly says. Very good acting.

"Oh Roman, you're perfect. You are handsome, rich. That's everything my daughter needs, a legacy and beautiful children," I roll my eyes. It's sickening.

"Your daughter is a very beautiful and intelligent woman. I love that about her," I blush. He is really charming. He takes my hand, for a moment I flinch back, then I realize that this is all an act. I wish it was Cassie by my side. His hands are rough compared to her soft and delicate ones.

"Have you talked about a wedding?" My mom asks. I look at Roman.

"Not yet. We talked about it, but we aren't getting married for now," I say.

"But I sure can imagine it," he replies and kisses me. My eyes surprisingly widen. It just felt like skin on skin, as if I was kissing my hand. Nothing more. "Excuse me," I say and get up. I really don't know how to handle this. I automatically dial Cassie's number. She isn't answering. Annoyed, I leave a short voice mail.

"Cassie, this is too much. I don't know how to work with that. Pretending to be in a relationship with a man I don't really know. I have done a lot of stupid things in my life, but this is the most stupid. I'm going to look how the outcome of this evening will be. Unless I feel good about this thing, I will keep doing it." With that I put my phone back into my pocket and join my family. Probably didn't sound convincing at all. More like I am giving up.

"Roman is very funny Taylor, I gotta tell you that," my mother raves.

"Are you okay?" She wants to know, as I rub my forehead. "I'm not feeling well."

"Can I give you anything?"

"No I just need to rest. Let's go Roman," I want to get up, but my mother avoids it.

"You can't go now Taylor. You haven't even eaten yet. And the wine is so good, you need to try it," I shoot her a glare.

"I'm fine thanks. I just wanna lay down on my bed mother," I say through gritted teeth. My parents look at each other and raise their brows, then look at Roman.

"Oh I get it," she winks.

"We will leave you both alone," Dave adds. I confusingly frown and get up, Roman following me to the door.

"They think we are going to have sex," he informs me.

"Let them think that. It's even better if they believe that we are going to have sex, isn't it?" He nods and shrugs at the same time.

"When are we going to meet with them again?" He questions, and I really don't know. We both signed a contract.

"I don't know. Until we get married and move to Alaska?" I joke.

"The contract didn't say anything about marriage,"

"It's a joke," I roll my eyes. "Of course we aren't taking it this far."

"Would you ever get married Ms Swift?" He suddenly wants to know. I hesitate to answer.

"No personal questions Mr Hansen," I coldly reply.

"Sorry. I was just curious," I sit down on the front porch.

"Well," I shrug and rest my head on my palms.

"I don't even know. I'm tired. I don't wanna get married anymore, but my girlfriend probably thinks I want." He sits down next to me. I called her girlfriend. My stomach begins to tingle. I just want her here right now.


"Yes indeed. And I'm currently married." His eyes wander to me.

"You are?"

"On the papers... yes. In God's eyes? No,"


"I was naïve and thought I fell in love. Till this day, I am still married, no one knows except for you and I don't even know why I told you. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone," he gulps.

"I won't tell, I promise. I have something to confess to you," I look at him.

"I'm gay. I am only doing this because I told my family, that I'm dating a woman. I know I wasn't supposed to tell anyone but-"

"You violated against a rule. You know what it means," I say in a monotone voice.


"Forget it. We both are doing it for the same reason. We're hiding."

"I wanna come out already, I'm engaged," he gasps.

"I don't wanna hold you back Mr Hansen," I get up and walk to the car without saying a single word.

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now