Chapter 13

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Taylor pulls up the car, before I even notice that we reached the dorms. I was so lost singing with her, by the sound of Coldplay. Our voices were competitive, but her's is more dominant. I could listen to her forever, she has a gifted voice. I unbuckle my seat belt and stumble out, while Taylor gracefully makes it out of the car. She takes my hand unexpectedly and leads me towards my dorm. "I hope you don't mind me coming with you. I'm not gonna stay though." She informs me and I shake my head, trying to stay put. "Not at all." What if Jenna sees us? What will she say to us holding hands? It's not like it means anything. I don't feel anything, do I? I shrug my thoughts off, as we draw closer to my room. I take out my key and put it in the key hole. I'm kind off nervous, I mean, Taylor probably is used to her luxury lifestyle, and I live in a plain dorm. "What?" She asks, as I withdraw. "You don't really wanna see my dorm." Not even after it's clean. "Come on, open up." She softly tells, "I went to a college too Cassie." Yeah, probably with an extra suite. I unlock the door, holding my breath. The lights are out, and my hand is in Taylor's again. She slightly pulls me inside, and I turn on the light. It still looks clean, but suddenly still messy. I swear, it looked cleaner before. I look at Taylor, who interestingly scans the room, as if she was in a museum. What's so exciting here? "Where is your roommate?" She asks with a high voice? I shrug, with my hands in my pockets, "Probably out with... her boyfriend." Probaly not.

My heart skips a beat, as she wnaders around my room, observing my stuff. And Jenna's. "You read a lot." She states and I nod, focusing my eyes on her. She walks a few steps to Jenna's side, "T-that's not my keyboard." I stutter. She silently grabs it and sits it on her lap as soon as she plugged it in. "You can play?" I ask. What a stupid question. She looks at me with a warming smile, then begins to play the first chord. I get lost in the melodic play, while watching every hand move of hers. It sounds rather sad, which mimics the emotions in her eyes.

"I walked through the door with you, the air was cold,
But something 'bout it felt like home somehow.
And I left my scarf there at your sister's house,
And you've still got it in your drawer even now.

Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze.
We're singing in the car, getting lost Upstate.
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place,
And I can picture it after all these days.

And I know it's long gone,
And that magic's not here no more,
And I might be okay,
But I'm not fine at all.

'Cause there we are again on that little town street.
You almost ran the red 'cause you were looking over at me.
Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well."

She sings out, almost sounding like she is feeling the pain in the words.

I hesitate, but sit down next to her, trying to hold back a tear. I don't know what happened inside my body, but it feels very strong. Her fingers pause and she puts the keyboard on my bed. "That was very... beautiful. Emotional and..." I struggle to find the best compliments. "Thank you. I wrote it a few years ago." She shyly looks down, "Well, I guess I need to go now. Got a lot of important stuff to do." She manages a slight laugh, but after she sang the song, it seems impossible for her to feel happy. "Are you okay?" I question and she nods. "Thank you for listening." She touches my wrist with her warm fingers, which leaves me in a completely overwhelmed state. My mind could easily shut off, just by gazing at her. "Y-yeah. It was nice."

"I'd like to meet you again, when I'm not busy." Her hand wanders up my arm, where it rests on my upper half. "Me too." My voice almost breaks. It's like I have a lump in my throat. I hesitate, but place my hand on her elbow, carefully letting it wander to her lower back. She slowly pulls me into a long lasting hug, until the door opens wide. Both our heads turn, to Jenna and Michael. "Oh. Hey." She greets us. Michaels jaw tenses for a split second, then his eyes skip to me, making him smile. Damn it. "Are we disturbing you?" Taylor's face turns scarlet, "I wanted to go anyways."

"Wait." I hold on to her wrist and introduce her to my friends. "Tay- I mean Ms. Swift, these are Jenna my roommate and friend and Michael my boyfriend. Jenna and Michael this is my boss Ms. Swift." Taylor awkwardly waves at them, but still manages to look graceful. "Well it was nice to meet you Jenna and Michael." She tells with a deeper voice and heads out, with one last warming look towards me. We three stand there awkwardly as we are left alone. As soon as Jenna shuts the door, she gasps. "Wow! What was that?" I roll my eyes and let myself fall on my bed. "What are you doing here?" I want to know from Mike.

"Me? What was she doing here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is this how you treat your boss?" He gasps and shakes his head, "A friendly hug. Um yes."

"That was so... unexpectedly. She is very tall and stunning. That's not fair." Jenna raves, while my boyfriend pouts in the corner. "Mike." He doesn't respond. I don't know why I feel bad now, even though I did nothing wrong. "What is my keyboard doing on your bed?"

"She played it." I bluntly reply and head towards Mike. "Are you mad at me, for hugging a woman?" Now that I said that, he looks like a fool. A big stubborn fool. Does he really think I have something with my boss? Or a woman? "I mean, it's weird seeing you both in the middle of the room embracing each other like you don't wanna let go."

"Michael, she was depressed. I just comforted her, I mean you know that I always try to be there for people when they feel bad." He nods, "I know. I believe you baby. Come here." He pulls me towards his body. It feels nothing like Taylor's hug. I don't know why I am comparing it, but hers felt more... intimate and real. This just feels like... something I am used to. Even though I missed his hug. The hug at the airport felt better. As he lets go, he places a harsh kiss on my forehead. "I love you." I tell him. I do love him. "I love you too. Now lets do something. Let's go out. I missed you." He tuggs my hair behind my ear, while his other arm is wrapped around my shoulders. "Okay."

"Awesome." His hand touches the spot where Taylor's fingers caressed me. It feels like he washed away her traces. Urgh, what the hell is wrong with me? I do need more sleep. I will instantly head to bed, as soon as we get back.

"Have fun." Jenna says with a bit of annoyance in her tone. "Are you alright?" Michaels hand tightens around me, "Babe let's go." He drags me outside, where he completely clings on me. What is wrong with him? "Babe what's wrong?" I ask him. He places another kiss on my head, as we walk down the hall. "I don't wanna miss any second with you." He whispers. My grip tightens around his waist, as those words escaped his lips. "Me neither. I promise." We walk out into the evening, where it seems rather cold, but thanks to Michael I am warmed up. I gaze into the dark distance, where I notice a familiar white car. A Bugatti to be specific. I slow down as I try to recognize the driver in the car, my heart begins to quicken. Taylor. She is still here, staring into the space. "What the..." I stop and her eyes find mine. Michael pulls me closer to him, but I try to break free from his grip. "Come, let's go." I stand there as my heart races like crazy. The sound of the starting engine takes me off guard. Is she leaving? The car slowly backs up in a muttering sound, "Come baby." Michael pulls me along, while he is cursing under his breath.

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now