Chapter 21

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Oh no! This can't be, this is not real. What if it was my fault? What if he tried to hurt himself because of me? I hammer my hand against my forehead, "Cassie, stop. It's alright."

"No it's not. This could be my fault." I cry, "I bet it isn't." She chews on her bottom lip. "You're nervous too aren't you?"

"Because you make me." She replies. She pulls up right in front of the hospital and I already rush out, before she even unbuckles her seat belt. "Wait." She yells behind me, struggling to keep up with my speed. I run up to a woman behind the reception, "Can I help you?" She looks up from the computer, eyeing me above her glasses. "I'm here for Michael Whitlock."

"Are you a family member?" She questions and I hesitate to answer with yes. I look at Taylor asking myself what to respond.
"I am.. I am his girlfriend."

"I'm sorry, but you're not his close relative-"

"Are you fucking kidding me? I've known him for years, he is my boyfriend! We are a family."

"Miss, please lower your voice."

"I won't do shit!" Taylor grabs me.

"Calm down Cassie."

"Don't touch me Taylor. He is my boyfriend I wanna see him!" I cry.

"But it won't work like this." She stays calm.

"I wanna see him now!" I stumble backwards and dramatically fall to the ground. Taylor looks at me, then turns to the woman and mumbles something. After a few seconds Taylor pulls me up.

"Come let's go. It's room 004." She says and I throw the woman an angry look, which she gives back.

"How did you-"

"Don't ask."

"Thank you. I'm sorry for being bitchy earlier before."

"Stop. Don't apologize for that." We finally find room 004. It's so quiet inside, I hope he is alone. I knock and open the door, but find two people around his bed. A nurse and doctor. "Hello. I'm allowed to be here." I let them know. My eyes directly wander to the pale looking boy, who looks almost dead. "Oh my god." I whisper and try to fight against the tears. "Mike." I shake my head, "He is in a coma." The doctor informs me and I break down in tears. I walk towards him and grab his heavy hand with both of mine. It hurts, seeing him attached to all these machines, while his heart beats are monitored and hearable. The strangers both walk out and leave us alone. I kiss his hand carefully, fearing to hurt him. "I know it's my fault. I know it." I press his hand against my forehead and sob. Taylor's hand caresses my back, "You can leave."

"I won't." I look up at her, "Please go. I don't want you to see me like this." She stays silent, but then walks out. "I'll call you later." Is the last thing she says, before she leaves. Later the doctor comes back to inform me about his current condition, "He fell and now has a big skull fracture on the left side, but only a small part of his brain got injured, which is still not good. We already did a surgery, to close the wound, but his brain is still not in a better condition. We will try our best with that and hope that he will not fall into a long coma... or maybe become brain dead." He clrears his throat. "But we also found something in his blood, after taking a test. He probably got unconscious, which may be the reason, he fell on his head." I feel so sick hearing this, "It is also positive, that he was intoxicated. He had a high dose of drug . Is he a drug addict?" I blink with my jaw dropped, "Wh-what?" Are they even allowed to do that without agreement. I'm not a doctor or a lawyer, but I don't think so.

"Does he have a drug problem?"

"N-no no. He is not addictive. That's bull-"

"I'm sorry, but that's the result, after we took a blood test." Is this a fucking joke right now? This can't be. I hate this doctor, he has zero empathy. "I-I don't know. But... I could imagine someone drugging him. Come on, I know him, he would never do that. And are you even allowed to do that?" It had to be Xavier. He could have done that! Or what if Kellan did it? No! Why would he do that? I mean, we are friends, why would he try to hurt someone I love? I shake my head, "I probably know the person who did it." I say. "Okay, you may have to get the police involved. And just to let you know, we had to do the test. We had to know the cause of his unconsciousness." I nod slightly. "Will he be okay?"

"He is in a coma, but I hope he is going to be okay. I'm only telling the truth, I could lie to you." I'm sure the lie would be less painful. "What if he never wakes from the coma?" My heart begins to beat fast, "Then we will have to turn the machines off." I bite my lip, looking at the boy, who I once fell in love with. "Thank you." I say with a hoarse voice and he leaves. I can't believe it.

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now