Chapter 9

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I am standing in the middle of the airport, waiting for Michael. He said, he will be in the main entrance in five minutes, but now it has been fifteen. My heart slams against my ribcage and I feel like passing out. Suddenly I feel two strong arms that wrap around my waist, then pick me up. "Oh my god!" I squeal, as I recognize the familiar feeling. As soon as my feet touch the ground, Michael's lips land on mine. This feeling wakes all of our memories, and makes me fall for him again. All my doubts are gone. "Hey." He whispers against my lips, my fingers dig in his now longer dark blonde hair. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too." I take his bag and he grabs his suitcase, then make our way to Kellan's Audi. It's kind of odd, that I always borrow his car. "New car?" I shake my head, kind of embarrassed. "My friend's." I stuff his bag in the trunk, "You look taller." He tells, "I don't know, if I even grew in the past three years." I laugh, "You look even more beautiful." He adds and places a kiss on my cheek, which sends familiar shivers down my spine. I don't know why I kept second guessing myself, I do love him.

"Where are you going to stay?"

"I don't know, maybe at your place?"

"In my dorm? But I live there with someone already," I say. "And?"

"I can't just, let you live with us. It may be a problem for her," he sighs and shakes his head, "I'll ask her okay?" I give him a smile before I start the engine. What will Jenna say? I could ask her to stay at Kellan's place, he lives by himself. This would solve the problem.

Finally we reach the dorms. It seems like our way back, was even longer. Michael had so much to tell during the ride, luckily it wasn't awkward for us. I take his bag and he takes the suitcase, and head towards the dorms. Some people, are staring at us, probably asking themselves, why a guy, is walking towards the girls dormitories with a suitcase.

"I don't know Mike, the dean is very strict when it comes to guys."

"Relax." He kisses me again, "How do you think is it going to be? You will sleep here, but you won't go to school. It seems a bit odd."

"I know, but as soon as I find a job, I will move out," He assures. How I missed his stubbornness. "So that means you aren't going to school anymore?" He shruggs, "I don't know. I wanna focus on us first." Why would he do that? I mean, he always spoke about how he loved the Murrington University, that was the first thing he had in mind, whenever he woke up. He is a very school oriented guy. I hesitantly open the door. Jenna left the room in a mess, as always. "Sorry for the mess. My roommate is responsible for that." He laughs it off and pushes his suitcase under my bed. "I remember this bedsheet."

"Yeah." I blush. Suddenly we become silent. Yes, I almost lost my virginity on it, to him. I told him I wasn't ready, so it never happened. "Can you call your roommate?" I nod and take my phone out. Jenna picks up, at the second beeping, "Yeah?"

"Jenna, you need to come." I tell, "He is there?"

"Yep." My eyes shift to Michael who is scanning the room, "Okay, I'm on my way." She hangs up and I put my phone back. "She is coming." I let him know. "Okay good." The way he is standing there with his hands in his pocket, makes me go back in time, where he saw my room for the first time. "I got an internship. At a big company."

"Oh really? That's great. How is it?"

"Not so good. But it was okay for the first day. And I got my own office." I proudly tell, "Your own office? What kind of things do you have to do there?" He surprisingly questions, "Paper work. And make some coffe for the bitchy boss." I walk over to him and hug him, "I'm so glad you're here. I thought my day was going to be a nightmare because of her. She is a mean bitch. Honestly. First she.." I pause, "She what?" He asks, "Nothing."

"No tell me babe." I hesitate, "I slept at her apartment. And she gave me some expensive pajamas, now she treats me like a maid. Can you believe that?"

"You slept at your boss' house?" I nod, "Wow, are you sure she is a she? Or are you faking it?" I playfully hit him on his arm, "Shut up! She is a woman! Do you think I would hook up with my boss?" He shakes his head, "No of course not. I believe you." He kisses me on my lips again, making me lose my mind. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say back. The door suddenly opens and both of our heads turn. "Hi." Jenna greets us, while eyeing my boyfriend. "You will never believe who I just saw."

"Who?" I ask, "Ms Swift and I believe her boyfriend or so.. anyways, hey I'm Jennifer, but call me Jenna." She takes Mike's hand and shakes it. What? So Ms Swift is in a relationship? I thought men only bring trouble. Or maybe he was just a friend, or.. Eugene, but he is kinda too old, for Jenna to think he is her boyfriend.

"What I wanted to discuss with you," I begin, "Well.. I thought Michael could sleep here. And you could sleep at Kellan's," Jenna's wide eyed gaze, tells me that she hates this idea.

"Kellan? Forget him." My jaw drops, "What happened?"

"He is mad, because I said no to his 'proposal'," Michael clears his throat,
"Sorry, um, where is the bathroom?" He asks, Jenna and I point to a door next to our wardrobe. "Did you explain to him why?" She shakes her head, "I don't want him to think that my parents might be ignorant."

"But you don't know if they are, right?" She shruggs, "Please Jenna, go over to him and say yes."

"Only because of your boyfriend, but you don't understand my situation!" She yells. I haven't seen her angry for such a long time. "No! It's just.. I don't know where else to let him sleep."

"Maybe he can sleep at Kellan's house." She suggests, "Seriously?" I hear him flush the toilet before he comes out, "Kellan? Who is he?" He asks.

To be honest, I was looking forward to having him here in this room. I was longing for him, for such a long time, but only now, Jenna and Kellan, need to act like kids. "Fuck," I cuss under my breath.

"I'm sure, he will let you sleep on his couch." Jenna tells him, "He is my boyfriend by the way. I hope." She silently adds, "You hope? Why? Did he say it's over?"

"I don't know, it seems like he might end it." I can see the tears welling in her eyes, "Jenna." I rub her back, "It's not gonna happen, he loves you, just give him time." I try to comfort her. I'm not the best in comforting people, but I always am willing to do it. "Sure." She says and grabs her bag, "What are you doing?" I ask, "Packing my bags, to leave you two alone."

"Wait." I stop her, "It's okay. Michael would you?" He sighs, "Of course." He eyes Jenna for a while, with a not so amused face. I give him an apologetic look, "I will drop you off there, I need to return his car anyway."

Sorry if this chapter wasn't as interesting, I hope the next one will be. Btw I picture Douglas Booth as Michael Whitlock

Swift Flames (Taylor Swift AU) (Lesbian Story/GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now