Ch3 . School

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Shawn parked the car and we all got out and went though the school doors.

Everyday when we walk in all eyes turn to us, it's strange but Shawn and I are sorta big deals at school. Sammie, not so much. we go though the same thing every day, people ask if we're a thing yet, the jocks and cheerleaders try to bring our popularity down, and we get some glares, Im not sure why though.

I went to my locker and Sammie followed, the lockers are in order by last name. so it's Samantha Waters then Sydney Waters, then our cousin Chris Waters. Sammie and I were on one end of the school and shawn was on the other cause his last name is Mendes.

After I got my stuff I walked over to Shawn's locker, usual thing. Then he'd walk me to my first hour, English. I told him he didn't have to do that because them he runs upstairs to the other side of the school, and is never tardy. school is a big thing for shawn, 1 tardy, shawn would freak out. then there's me who doesn't care. I've had a 15 minute detention for being tardy 3 times.

English was the same old thing, independent reading them learning about something. I'm actually a good student, I will smart mouth the teachers some times but whatever, my grades are all A's. and that's all that matters right?

Shawn and I met at the drinking fountain on the 2nd level then would walk to math together, were in the same class.

The rest if the just consisted of walking with shawn and, Spanish, history, science, gym, choir.

We get out of school at 2:25. Aaliyah doesn't get out till 4:00, and Sara doesn't get out till 3:50. then our parents don't come home till around 5:15. shawn drops Sammie off at home then we go to his house.

We decided to just hang, I scrolled through Twitter and saw that shawn had just tweed to me.

@-_syd.w  always fun hanging out with syd🙈

I read it and smiled and tweeted him back.

@-shawnmendes were not even talking. but okay bud having fun

I was siting on one end of the couch and shawn was on the other, we both looked up and smiled.  "No but for real I love hanging out with you." He laughed.

"You better." I responded trying to be serious.

He just playfully rolled his eyes. and went back on his phone.

I started humming 'confident by Justin Bieber' and shawn must have noticed.

"Are you seriously humming one of his songs?" He asked.

"Duh, he's the best, haven't  you seen my life size poster of him in my room?"

He once again rolled his eyes.

I went on to Instagram and clicked the camera.

"Shawn" I said which  got his attention.  I then snapped the picture right when he looked up. I was making duck lips and he just had the off guard face. I tagged him in it and captioned it as,

That one friend that's always off guard @-shawnmendes 😒💕

He liked it right away and commented,

@-shawnmendes That's not my fault, muffin hater😒💕

Then the other comments rolled in from people at school.

You should date.
^^ d8
Are you dating?
Get some syd😏
That was pretty much all the comments it got.

"People really think we should date" shawn chuckled.

"I know, were bestfriends nothing more, nothing less" I giggled.

2 hours later Aaliyah walked in the front door. "hey guys" she greeted.

Shawn, Aaliyah and I just sat around until Shawn's parents got home, that's when I leave.

As I was leaving the mendes house I saw our other neighbor Nick outside playing with his dog, he lives across the street from me. "hey nick!" I hollered to him.

"Yo syd" was his response. I made my way over to his  yard, since I didn't see any cars in the driveway yet.

Nick and I talked for a while and played with his dog, Kinney.

About 10 minutes later I saw my dads black pickup truck coming down the road

"We'll my dad's home now, I should probably go home." I told Nick.

"Okay, we should talk more often." he said. I agreed to him.

Nick and I used to be close, but then we just drifted and now we only talk if we see each other outside. I gave him my phone so he could put his number in, he got a new phone and number a couple weeks ago so I needed his new one.

Nick is bæ👅 is what he out himself in as, he gave me his phone so I could my number in.

Sydo🙅💕 , that's what him and shawn used to call me, all though I still don't know why.

After that I walked across the street to my house, I noticed my moms blue ford escape parked in the drive next to my dad's truck, she must have came home when I was putting my number in Nick's phone.

I went in through the back door. the first words that were said to me were "so I noticed your talking to Nicholas again." my dad said.

"Uhh yeah." I said kinda confused

I'm my head I was all like dad you saw me talking to him, so then yeah I guess I am talking to him then. that made more sense in my head.

"Are you shawn still friends?" My mom asked out of no where.

"Yeah, I was just over there today, I only went to Nicks cause he was outside." I laughed.

After dinner I didn't really talk to shawn much, I don't know why. I texted him but he never responded. I don't know if he's mad or something but whatever I guess, boys are confusing.

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