Ch10 . heart attack

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{I'm gonna add Shawn's POV}

It's almost Halloween, only 3 days.

Shawnyy🔥- come find me.
Syd😍- um ok?

I walked over to shawn house. I let my self in and check every room, he was nowhere.
"Hey Karen, shawn told me to find him but I can't." I asked.

"Have you checked the room in the basement?" She asked, I shook my head. I hated their basement, it's kinda creepy, it looks normal, but I find it creepy cause I always here noises.

I walked down the steps, turning on every light. I heard a bang. "SHAWN" I screamed tuning around, checking my surroundings, I opened a door, it lead to the spare bedroom in the basement.

I saw a dark figure, but I think it's the tv. I turned in the light, and then "KSHHHHHHH!" It screamed, I didn't even see what it was. "FUCKKK!" I screamed trying to run up the stairs, I heard footsteps behinds me, but I was to scared to turn around.

I made it to the top and slammed the door closed. "You ok?" Karen asked, they were all standing there, "we heard you screaming." Aaliyah looked worried.

I was breathing heavily. "Something was chasing me, I- I don't know what it was, but it make a really weird noise, I think it was an animal or something." I said, my voice shaky. I was scared shitless at the moment.

Then there was banging on the basement door, that I was standing in front of, Karen, Aaliyah, and I screamed. Manny scooted me aside and opened it. I hid behind Aaliyah, who was binding behind Karen.

I poked my head around them, my mouth dropped. "SHAWN  PETER RAUL MENDES, I'm gonna beat your ass." I gritted through my teeth, and approached him, I slapped him hard in the chest and immediate left.

Shawn knows I hate scary things, I ran up to my room, I screamed again, shawn was laying on my bed. "What the hell shawn, get out!" I demanded. He chucked, "I'm sorry syd, I didn't mean to scare you that much."

"I don't give a shit shawn, you know how much I hate that type of stuff."  Walked up to my bed and sat on him, "really Sydney? Your only like 90 pounds."

"You need to chill." He said. I glared.


"Can you please go into a haunted house this year, I'll be at your side?" Shawn begged. I shook my head, "I'll do a movie, that's it."

Shawn picked out the conjuring.

We were only 20 minutes into it and I was already in Shawn's arms.

Shawn's POV

I really wanted Sydney to way the conjuring, I want her to over her fears. And also because I love when she's scared.

I'm not sure how I feel towards her yet, but I think were just great friends.

I hugged her while she curled up into my lap.

Finally the movie ending, and she released her self from me, "let's dance." She said out if nowhere. I chuckled "alright, but I'm not good."

I shuffled my music and 'Im yours, by Jason Mraz' was the first song.

She sang, and jumped around. I just watched her, I'm a really awkward dancer.

"Hey shawn this dance is you." She giggled, and did the dance called the awkward white boy. "I dare you do to the grind on me dance." She challenged. I shook my head, I'm not even gonna try. "You do it." I said, and she did it. Like perfectly.

I just stood starring, "mendes?" Sydney said as she snapper her fingers in my face. I blinked a couple times and shook my head. Nick Jonas was next, up it was his song 'introducing me' from camp rock 2. {a/n: best song}

She started tap dancing, I looked at her confused. "Remember when I took dance for a year?" She laughed. I smiled remembering.

"I've never really been into cars, I like really cool guitars, and super heros and checks with lots of zeros on em." I sang. {a/n: that part makes me think if shawn every time}

I tried tapping to, but u ended up on the floor. Sydney looked at me and laughed, she walked over and grabbed my hand, but I pulled her down too. She late do top of me, our faces just inches apart. She leaned down a little more and touch are noses. I smiled, she returned. "I love you shawn."

"I love you too Sydney"

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